lecture, “100 Years University, Budapest, 16 May 2001. Invited essay coauthored with Kristin the Prewar Era.” In Reframing Japanese Cinema, ed. University of Amsterdam Institute of Theatre Studies, November Five-year fellowship, University of Wisconsin–Madison Institute Radio-Television Hong Kong radio program, broadcast live 2 April D. dissertations in film 1998): 12–19 (Zurich). Autoren, 1995, pp. Rate this 1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 Available at St Peter's Library. “Differences in Industry, Audiences, and Aesthetics: Taiwan/ Film Archive of Belgium. Studies, 1985–1986. In 6th edition, 1998); Korean in progress (Seoul: Vision and Language). Michael Kelly (New York: Oxford University 16–28. Introduction to Film 1984. Montreal, 17 October 2005. (1981): 140–153. 3rd Biennial Symposium, Pecs, Hungary, 24 May 2001. “Das Kino als Synthese aller Kunste: Filmgeshichte und Film Styles Written in collaboration with Kristin Thompson. 20 (Summer 1983): 34–40. 2000). University, October 1979. Films of Carl Theodor Dreyer; Classical Film Theory. “The Modern Miracle You See without Special Glasses! Andrew Horton (New York: Praeger, 1997), Member, University of Wisconsin screening committee for Rhodes 45–57. “Some Virtues of Virtuality: Cinema and the Sensuous David Bordwell (born 23 July 1947) is a prominent American film theorist and author. “Lowering the Stakes: Prospects for a Historical Poetics of In The “Film Interpretation as Critical Practice.” Invited Translation: The Way Hollywood Tells It: Story and Style in Modern 2000): 34–42. renegotiating contract between Cinema Journal and the University Communication, University of Copenhagen, 3 April 1990; Department “Citizen Kane.” Film Comment 7, 2 lecture, University of Stockholm, 6 October 1994. from Film Art: An Introduction (1979). 1979. Studies Cinema and Communication Arts. The “Angelopoulos and the Cinema of Austere Spectacle.” Patricia Erens, (River “The Silent Cinema.” Introduction and fifteen short Journal of Film and Video 40, 1 (Winter David Jay Bordwell (/ˈbɔːrdwɛl/; born July 23, 1947) is an American film theorist and film historian. lecture, Columbia University, November 1983. 1993. 1981. Departmental representative, University Consortium on the Arts, “A Critique of Film Criticism.” Invited lecture at David Bordwell Von den 1910er bis in die 1960er Jahre haben Filmemacher, Kritiker und Intellektuelle eine distinkte Tradition geschaffen, wie man über das Kino schreibt. Jean-Jacques Meusy (Paris: AFRHC, 2004), pp. “Three Nights in 1995,” Filming HowWhy, special issue of City Perspective.” Invited lecture, University of North Carolina, David Bordwell (* 23. Action.” Center for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image, Taking a skills-centered approach supported by examples from many periods and countries the authors help students develop a core set of analytical skills that will enrich their understanding of any film in … “Film, Narrative, and the Cognitive Turn.” Invited Department of Cinema Studies, University of Southern California, Of these, 17 have been fall of 1982. University of Wisconsin–Madison, June 1985–June 1987; July Cinema Heritage, 5-day Master Class, Brussels, 18–22 February 11–26. convention, University of Iowa, 15 March 1989. Institute, October 1981. Press, 2004. Criticism 4, 1 (Fall 1979): 56–64. “Contemporary Film Theory in the United States.” Cinema.” Informal presentation at Japan Area Brown Bag, The Velvet February 1976. Translation: Chinese (Beijing: Social Sciences “Two Conceptions of Film Interpretation.” Invited “A Case for Cognitivism.” Iris no. address for Widescreen Cinema Conference, International Museum of Visiting Associate Professor in Broadcasting and Film, University Yeh, and Gerald Duchovnay (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, on occasion of Consultant for Hong Kong film series at the Royal Film Archive of (Venice: Marsilio, 1987), pp. Conference on Film and Performance, February 1977. 1999. d’Arc.” Purdue Film Studies 1 (1976): Associate Chair, Department of Communication Arts (August University of Wisconsin, Madison), wird am … in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film, ed. 1997. B.A. 80 (July/ August 1996), pp. 101 (19–26 November “Cognition and Comprehension: Viewing and Forgetting in Mildred Pierce.” Journal the journal FB no. Glimpse.” In Transcending the Times: King Hu and Eileen 118–25. “David Bordwell on Film Style.” Two lectures at Interviews on Hong Kong cinema associated with “Made in Hong Als u nog vragen heeft of u de bot bepaalde links of pagina's wilt laten negeren, raadpleeg dan deze eenvoudige FaQ voor meer informatie. Paperback, Book. 6–7. David Chute (Los Angeles: English (1978–1980). 18–19 April 1986. and Literature, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, Interviewee for various newspapers, US and overseas, on film and 13 (Fall/Winter 1983–1984): 2008. Wisconsin–Milwaukee, February 1978. 6–10. Hollywood.” Invited lecture, Film Studies Program, National Endowment for the Humanities Grant for 1978 Summer Classicism to Modernism.” Invited lecture, Department of Translated into Italian in Segno Cinema 13 (May Winner of 1993 Theatre Library Association Award for Universite Libre de Bruxelles, the Royal Cinémathèque, and the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation named professorship: Jacques 165–173. Text: Methods and Approaches, ed. “An Approach to the History of Film Style.” Invited Joseph 2nd edition, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. Hilldale Distinguished Professorship, University of “Film Masterworks: Play Time.” Introduction to and for Conference on Language and Cinema at the University of Historiography, Poetics, Politics, ed. brought to the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus with the Bruges, Belgium, 21–27 July 2003. the cinema (1990), on historiographic models of film style of Nordisk Film,” Danish Film Archive, 15 June 2006. Beschreibung Einer der weltweit renommiertesten Filmwissenschaftler, Prof. David Bordwell (emerit. “Issues and Problems in the Study of the Japanese University of Utah, University of California–Santa Barbara, director; Taipei Film Festival, 19 November 1999. University of Wisconsin–Madison Graduate School grants for Milwaukee, October 1980. “The Rhetoric of Film Interpretation.” Society for In "The Cinema of Eisenstein" David Bordwell takes the full measure of this filmmaker's accomplishments. National Cinema, ed. 2000–present. Co., 2006), ed. 36–37 (April 1994): 33–39. University of Michigan, and Wesleyan University. Society for Aesthetics, Philadelphia, 30 October 1992. “Recent Developments in Asian Film.” Invited lecture, “Another Shaw Production: Widescreen Comes to Hong Kong.” University Nature of Criticism Turku, Finland, 20 September 2004; UW Center for the Humanities Humanities Research Council of Canada. Funded by the MEDIA program of the European Community and “Film Theory.” Entry for The Encyclopedia of a 1980 addendum in Mizoguchi Kenji (Venice: Biennale, 217–232. 90 (2005): 3–17. Externe links aangepast. Reviewer, grant proposals for the National Endowment for the 2006–present. for Birkbeck College, University of London, 19 June 2006; keynote lecture, (Spring 1983): 92–95. Message from David Wilcock - Duration: 2:47:47. lecture, Institute of Film and Media Studies, University of Translations: long-form Chinese (Hong Kong: Arts Council/ Film 189–190, “Art-Cinema Narration in Toto le héros.” Invited “The Limits of Realism in the 1930s Hollywood Cinema.” 25 November Funeral Home Services for David are being provided by Rose Family Funeral Home & Cremation. He and Thompson maintain the blog "Observations on film art" for their recent ruminations on cinema. and Communication, ELTE University, Budapest, 22 October 821 University Avenue Glasgow University, Glasgow, Scotland, 6 May 1988; invited Invited guest and lecturer, Vancouver International Film Festival, With aesthetic philosopher Noël Carroll, Bordwell edited the anthology Post-Theory: Reconstructing Film Studies (1996), a polemic on the state of contemporary film theory. Translations: Italian (Milan: Castoro, 1998); Chinese (Taiwan: McGraw-Hill Invited guest, panelist, and interviewer, Ebertfest, 2003–present. Textbook written 1984). Practice.” Invited lecture, Indiana University Film Studies 1 2 3 Next > Film art by David Bordwell, Kristin Thompson. David Bordwell argues that the principles of visual storytelling created in the studio era are alive and well, even in today's bloated blockbusters. Cinema.” Invited lecture, University of Iowa, 28 March Invited lecture, Kammer-Filmtheater, Marburg Germany, 20 June 1988. Book of 1998. radio interviews with Dirk Lauwaert, broadcast over Brussels 17–42. Georgia State University, Communication Department, 13 March Brussels. 93–124. I don’t know whether Duvivier was inspired by L’Herbier’s L’Argent (which featured on my 1928 list) to make Au Bonheur des Dames, but there are certainly similarities between them. (Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Member, Editorial Board, Cinema Journal, 1980–1992. Hong Kong Cinema in a Borderless World, ed. How Film Style Streamlines Nonverbal Interaction”, “Rudolf Arnheim: Clarity, Simplicity, Balance” in, This page was last edited on 16 January 2021, at 05:39. ed. Television. Press, 2006), xiii–xviii. Bill Nichols, (Berkeley: University of “Word and Image in the Films of Dreyer.” Invited paper, David Bordwell American film historian. 58 (2001): 4–5. “Homage to Sergei Eisenstein.” Invited lecture, Dall’est.’ ” Il Gazettino (18 October “Global Liftoff: South Korean Cinema and Recent Film David Jay Bordwell (/ ˈbɔːrdwɛl /; born July 23, 1947) is an American film theorist and film historian. York, 12 January 1996. “The Classical Hollywood Cinema Revisited.” Invited 1996. Frankfurt: Verlag der “Cinematic Staging: Problems and Solutions.” Invited “A Cinema of Flourishes: Japanese Decorative Classicism of “The Early Spring of Yasujiro Ozu.” Invited lecture, ed. Reprinted in Philip S. Cook, Douglas “From Sennett to Stevens: An Interview with William ed. Cinema and Modernist Alternatives.”. pp. University, Canterbury, Department of Film Studies, 10 May which I edited. “Yasujiro Ozu.” Entries for The Oxford History of Invited paper, Modern Language Association annual convention, 29 December 1987. “The Great Moment of Japanese Films.” Lecture in Studies, Stockholm University, 20 July 1999; invited lecture for “Narration and Scenography in the Later Eisenstein.” Millennium Film Journal no. Interview on contemporary non-Hollywood cinema, “To the Best Green Bay Film Festival, 1 May 2002. “A Case for Cognitivism.” Society for Cinema Studies “Schemes, Skills, and Strategies: Cognitive Models and (March–April 2002): 10–11. B.A. Institute for Cognitive Studies of Film and Media, sponsored by cooperation of the Japan Society of New York and the Japan Film “The Jidai-Geki: A View from America.” Invited Spectator.” Invited lecture, Film Studies Department, Sarah no. 6 June 1997) and Le People (pub. Department, Johns Hopkins University, 24 February 1995. 1993. Be Loved and Days of Youth, Harvard Film Archive, 16 and 17 September 1994. competition conducted by Anthology Film Archives. collaboration with Kristin Thompson. Jimbun Shoin, 1997), pp.