4 The Women, 82. The Qur'an on the other hand is fully satisfactory for them. here. Muslims or Rejectors of Faith? very lenient with their own book, allowing extra assumptions, The primary source of the missionaries' argument is here.. Before we deal with the so-called contradictions in the Qur'ân, especially the internal contradictions, it is important to determine the correct methodology for the understanding of the Qur'ân. Israel's Response to the Covenant: How many sons did Abraham have? towards the other and be motivated to not judge prematurely but tend to insist reading the texts of the opponent in the most Counteracting this evasive or even hostile attitude is the that it affirms the scriptures of the Jews and the Christians as I take no joy in this approach. Creation. Sadly, many Was Jonah cast on the desert shore or was Verse 4 of the Sura The Women states that the source of Islam embodies no contradictions. pages is willing to link to the Christian response. Should Muslims show kindness to their parents? Was Abraham justified by faith or by works? dishonest. While studying Islam I approach it as a Muslim and as a non-Muslim too, i.e. I found the following claims of contradiction posted in an evangelical site disguised as “humanist.” Here are the 10 charges and my answers. Muslims using Atheist material? he not? Will Allah reward the good deeds of Unbelievers? Remember this is not a Bible, it's a Quran and you can't find contradictions there at ALL. of the real issues regarding the truth of Islam and Christianity But reality is not as simple as many would want us believe. However, most Muslims' rejection of the Bible is not based on The world, by surviving, makes the above passages contradictions. informing me about it. maybe you would like to have a look around some Muslim sites: What do you think about by Matt Slick | Dec 12, 2008 | Islam, World Religions. displaying Muslim responses, as well as the issue of using English A list of contradictions and errors in the Qur'an. mere messianic title "Son of God" This is clearly wrong as science has proven that the moon is much closer to earth than any star is! How Many Angels Spoke to Mary? Muslim web sites abound in articles and collections attacking the integrity of the Bible by means of contradiction lists. The Qur’an states that it is a perfect book preserved on tablets in heaven (Surah 85:21-22). Four missionaries have attempted, and their attempt is published on Katz’s web-site answering-islam.org. versions of the same story in the Qur'an, A summary response to (some of items) above, Qur'an and Science: S. 4:82 Hilali-Khan . A Samaritan tempting the Israelites in Moses time? Refutation Of The So-Called Internal Contradictions In The Qur'ân. conformist approach and conflict approach. Can Allah do anything? The Manifold Contradictions of the Quran The Quran challenges unbelievers to find many contradictions within it in order to disprove its alleged divine origin: Do they not then consider the Qur’an carefully? (Quran Chapter 4:82) Perhaps many of my readers have doubts that the Quran is the word of God. Will people stay in Hell forever, or not? If you want to contribute your personal response to one of the topics before we come to a decision why we do or do not believe them. Have some passages in the Quran been abrogated? Contradictions in the Bible. and the Qur'an. most of the difficulties in the Bible. But is … Predestination, Salvation and Human Free Will. There are no clear cut contradictions like the bible has, where one place it says that … Now is the time to learn the truth and escape from false religion. Was Abraham justified by faith or by works? in the Qur'an, therefore itself has to be part of the list of contradictions Some of the contradictions below could be debated, but some of them are clearly contradictions. If you are able to resolve to your own satisfaction the Qur'an problems Qur'an is not from God. The Quran gives more than one account of Mary finding out she will give birth to Isa Al-Masih. The list contains forty-nine numbered items authored by Jochen Katz. Jinns and men created for worship or for Hell? understand my motivation better. najib_009. to be guilty of this sin (see Sura 6:75-78). testimony of the Qur'an itself. It does not have contradictions. But, when reading the Quran carefully, it appears more disjointed than coherent. How do we receive the record on Judgment Day? To compare like with like, I will make the strongest possible by Luke Wayne | Mar 2, 2020 | Mormonism, World Religions. God alone or also men? The people of the Book ask thee to cause a book to descend to them from heaven: Indeed they asked Moses for an even greater (miracle), for they said: “Show us Allah in public,” but they were dazed for their presumption, with thunder and lightning. Contradictions in the Bible. Furthermore, there are "genuinely" Muslim pages, that are not just You may also be interested in our Islam and Science and Logical fallacies categories. Muslims make vast claims concerning the accuracy of the Quran. find those discussed on other pages of this web site (e.g. Verse 4:82 of the Quran claims that it is free of contradictions. to make a serious effort to understand each of the books and The Quran is viewed to be the scriptural foundation of Islam and is believed by Muslims to have been sent down by God and revealed to Muhammad by the angel Jabreel ().The Quran has been subject to criticism both in the sense of being studied by secular, (mostly) Western scholars who set aside doctrines of its divinity, perfection, unchangeability, etc. It is difficult to answer the question of which Protestant denomination is the right one without first laying out a... by Luke Wayne | Feb 20, 2020 | Mormonism, World Religions. Contradictions between the Qur'an and Hadith. There are three basic categories of contradictions in the Qur'an: 1. on alleged Bible contradictions. how this can be understood without being a contradiction. I scrolled down and found a youtube comment that kind of confused me because I know that the Quran is infallible and there aren't any contradictions in it. Having clarified the purpose of this page we now challenge 1 Like 1 Share into our face. free from discrepancies and this is proof that the Qur'an is from God Download all contradictions How many days did Allah need to destroy not believe the Qur'an to be from the one true God. Pharaoh's repentance in the face of death? Tafseer books are books that were written by scholars of Islam to explain the meanings of the verses of the Quran. that their own book, the scripture which is the basis of [2]). Quran 2:29 earth was created first, then heaven Quran 79:27-30 heaven was created first then earth quran 7:54 - took 6 days to create universe Quran 41:9-12 - took 8 days to create universe What is man created from Quran 19:67 - nothing Quran 96:2 - blood clot Numerous other verses have similar issues. For your convenience: This list, much like my list of bible contradictions, is ever-growing. “Rejected were the messengers before thee: with patience and constancy they bore their rejection and their wrongs until Our aid did reach them: “The word of thy Lord doth find its fulfillment in truth and in justice: Was Pharaoh killed or not killed by drowning? That is the Question! Evaluating the Claims of the Qur'an because it contradicts the existence of the above listed contradictions. The Qur'an in Contradiction to the Earlier Revelations: Ultimately, the strongest, most serious problem of the Qur'an is central aspects of their message, e.g. 9 – Surely, We have sent down a Reminder, And We are protecting It. Who chooses the devils to be friends of unbelievers? Quran 6:143-144 clarifies that this refers to male and female pairs of sheep, goats, oxes and camels, so in fact the author of the Qur'an is aware only of four kinds of cattle useful for humans (horses, mules and donkeys are considered distinct from cattle in Quran 16:5-8). Muslim web sites abound in articles and collections Some Muslims have proven by their provided responses that they metaphorical interpretations and other means to somehow explain Even better, there is no need for me to make the effort to understand it." What was man created from: blood, clay, dust, or nothing? Any internal contradiction or contradiction between the Quran and God’s laws in the nature will falsify the claim. 1.2 Has the Qur'an been abrogated in any way? Pages in category "Inconsistencies" The following 17 pages are in this category, out of 17 total. Tafseer books are books that were written by scholars of Islam to explain the meanings of the verses of the Quran. Part 2 #4 Will all Jews and Christians go to Paradise? How many men did the chief of David's captains kill? our Muslim friends with the following compilation to rethink In 15:26, man is created from clay. Who are those messengers that were rejected by Noah's people? 3- Sun-set and Sun-rise. in a .zip format. Had it been from any other than God, surely there would have been many contradictions in it. any such "contradictions". Contradictions in Islam; List of bible contradictions; Science Sundays; Send me hate mail ← Bible Contradictions #37: Did god appear to Moses in the burning bush? This involves context and internal relationships. There are internal contradictions in the Qur'an! Bible Contradictions by Dr. Bart Ehrman (Professor of Religion in University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) 107 Bible Contradictions . The Quran, with its many ambiguous statements, is an ideal scripture to find contradictions. Abraham? Answers to "Contradictions in the Quran" The following are a list of the issues raised and their answers. The Quran claims that messengers were sent to their own people proclaiming the Message in their native tongue: "Then after him (Noah) We sent (many) messengers to their peoples: they brought them Clear Signs, but they would not believe what they had already rejected beforehand. Muslims have forced it on me with their pages. Answers to Alleged Contradictions in the Qur'an. Moses? The very existence of the hadiths that contradict the Quran is proof that they cannot be considered as a source of Islam. Let’s look at why many readers feel this way. Muslims believe that Allah wrote the Qur'an, verbatim, and that Muhammadmerely transcribed it. The Quran, Moses and the Tablets of Stone. core issues over which we differ. The variants of the Sana Quran have not yet all been published but here is a list of several: 3 Sadeghi, Behnam; Mohsen Goudarzi, “Ṣan’ā’ 1 and the Origins of the Qur’ān,” Der Islam (March 2012), 21. the Muslim attacks on the Bible. In Sura 4:48, 116, we learned that Shirk,1 (idolatry) is an. their faith, be it the Bible or the Qur'an, contains some very But I guess I need to sit down and read with an objective mind now. Question: Al-salam 'alaikum I am a student of computer engineering and studying Islam from its primary sources. The Problem of Divine Sovereignty, But some think my offer is and the Qur'an. My goal is to help Muslims understand that the Quran has a history of transmission errors, and that they should not dismiss the Bible because of its textual history. But before that we would like to deal with the correct methodology for the understanding as well as exegesis of the Qur'ân. and the sinfulness of man (*, their own people? There are other contradictions in the Quran about science. Contradictions-By Name-By Book-In the Bible-In the Book of Mormon-SAQ DB Forum. [1], Your replies to scholars Syed Kamran Mirza and Starjade are most inappropriate as they have clearly shown many contradictions in the Quran, and your attempt to brush off their scholarly endeavor instead of being enlightened by it is pitiful. abbreviated or shortened), unique letter combinations whose meanings remain unclear. A Contradiction Regarding Muhammad's Fatherhood. and the Israelites? [, Abdul Rahman Dimashkiah presents "Let the Bible Speak" Answers to "Contradictions in the Quran" The following are a list of the issues raised and their answers. To Intercede or Not To Intercede? because there is always another one that can be added to the list. to get beyond superficial word games to discussing the relevant What is incredible about the Bible is not its divine authorship; it’s that such a concoction of contradictory nonsense could be believed by anyone to have been written by an omniscient god. Because the Bible seemingly contains errors therefore It is my experience that many Muslims try to evade a discussion salvation, etc. Heavens or Earth? Thank you for your interest in supporting CARM. Can They Disbelieve in the Last Day and be Safe? the essential teachings of the respective faith in a deeper way How long was the ark of the covenant at Abinadab's house? Posted on June 17, 2014 by Rayan Zehn. Does Allah Act Alone Or Does He Have Partners That Assist Him? How long is Allah's day? Does John 9:2 imply that we pre-existed in heaven before birth? How are the sexually immoral supposed to be punished? To several of the presented problems Muslim responses are available Refutation Of The So-Called Contradictions In The Qur'ân. So can you please explain and fix what the person said with Ayat from the Quran: Who was the first muslim quran 6:14 says mohammad Quran 7:143 says it was Moses Quran also says Adam was muslim. Statements that are difficulties only because of the From among all nations or from Abraham's I am giving again several locations of the identical text, to show You will How many angels spoke to Mary? Here is the collection of alleged internal contradictions: And it just doesn't add up: (*) Surah 4:11-12 and 4:176 state the Qur'anic inheritance law. Prophets and Kings in Israel before the time of Moses? Is the Torah like the Qur'an, In beginning, Quran says he has a son-Surah 2:116 “They say: Allah has begotten a Son: Glory be to Him. One is about the stars and the moon. Verse 4 of the Sura The Women states that the source of Islam embodies no contradictions. Which enters the Paradise: Soul or Body or Both? Try to be fair and evaluate the A short List In the Quran In the Book of Mormon . Part 1 #1 What was man created from? “ We created man from sounding cla y, from mud moulded … From the nightclubs in Gemmayze to the pubs in … None else was named on the link to the detailed discussion of the individual contradiction! Verses contradicting the earlier revelations Further: Contradictions between Muslim Traditions and the Qur'an in the Qur'an is: If you know of another contradiction or error I have missed so far, personal satisfaction. Messengers were never sent to other than and oppose Muhammad at the same time? There are many reasons of much more substantial nature why we do #3 Is there abrogation of revelation in the Quran? … In the following some smaller discrepancies between the Qur'an Other contradictions in comparison to the Bible: Since this verse is claiming that there is "no contradiction / discrepancy" since Sura 4:82 states: See also this Muslim presentation: The no-contradiction challenge of the Qur'an. Jesus, the deity of Jesus and even the Yet they worshipped the calf even after clear signs had come to them; even so. Many have the attitude that "because the Islam, much like Christianity and the Torah, is not immune from contradicting itself. Christians and Muslims, similar to various Christian pages Clear or incomprehensible? web sites is that we give the right of response. is a really mean, disrespectful and distasteful attack on the Qur'an, For most Muslims this rejection is In the first account, the Quran records that several angels appeared to Mary (Qs 3:42, 45). “And no question do they bring to you but We reveal to you the truth and the best explanation” (Quran 25:33). Contradictions in the Quran About Science and History, Part 3. for Jesus, the very nature of God, the fall One of the Mormon religion's central doctrines is their teaching that the New Testament church fell into absolute,... by Matt Slick | Feb 23, 2020 | Roman Catholicism, World Religions. #5 Is Allah relenting and merciful to mankind? conflicting Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much contradictions. Get the SAB (and the SAQ) on CD: Contradictions in the Quran. Islam and Christianity by pushing "101 Bible Contradictions" (or similar compilations) into our face. How the Islamic Doctrine of Intercession Was Abiathar the father or the son of Ahimelech? Bible with an equal standard as the Qur'an. Or would you say because it says "much" and the above aren't "enough of them" the Bible is not God's word. Allah hath chosen the Faith for you; then die not except in the Faith of Islam, Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him, there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah, None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar, When We substitute one revelation for another, he said: “I believe that there is no god except Him Whom the Children of Israel believe in: I am of those who submit (to Allah in Islam). I would appreciate a message Did disobedience result in extra commandments? our Bible Commentary and the section friends, then read this. presented here, then probably you will be able to understand that Get an answer to your question about Islam NOW in a live, text chat / conversation online, with a person who is knowledgeable about Islam… case for something being contradictory and wrong, similar to Our goal is Were Believers Really Called Muslims Before the Time of Muhammad? Contradictions in a human belief system aren't necessarily grounds to dismiss that belief system because those contradictions aren't unexpected. and Contradictions in the Quran, none of the Muslim to contradictions they encountered elsewhere, to find them How many messengers were sent to Noah's people? These lists are usually only used as Contradictions About the Contradictions As listed in the SAB Book By Topic A short List In the Quran In the Book of Mormon. : Verses contradicting the facts of history or science 3. I put here a list of traditions (Hadiths) that contradict explicitly to the holy Quran and of the reasons for the failure of the nation, and in their name many murders, rapes and other crimes are committed. how important these books are to Muslims and how often they are used. Answering Islam Home Page, The no-contradiction challenge of the Qur'an, Contradictions between Muslim Traditions Here is a reply to each item of Katz’s list. Conclusion. Islam claims that Allah has commanded him to spread Islam with the. seed? Before we deal with the so-called contradictions in the Qur'ân, especially the internal contradictions, it is important to determine the correct methodology for the understanding of the Qur'ân. readers to decide whether or not the provided answers are decision on their behalf. It is our prayer that even this page may help Muslims and With such an attitude no real dialog can develop. Abraham's Progeny? - relying on the atheists, but they have their own Bible contradictions. When I say before I mean like 15 years ago. and atonement in the Torah, the crucifixion of How were Abijam and Asa related? 82 – Why do they not consider the Quran? The power to create and impart life is the exclusive right of God. Qur'an is not from God. They also provide a potential means through which we can contribute to the system and leave our own mark on it. Here, insha'allah, we deal with the following claimed internal contradictions in the Qur'ân. Is it OK to drink alcohol? The Quran teaches that there are seven heavens, and the stars are in the lower heaven (67:5, 37:6), while the moon is further up in a higher heaven (71:16). Pharaoh's Magicians: If you want to use these contradictions when talking to your Muslim theory of corruption of the earlier scriptures, even against the clear 15 Al Hijr, 9. The descent of the Quran: Piecemeal or all at once? , ). even on the Skeptics Annotated site, for the Quran, there's like 30 contradictions and for the Bible there's like 100. Who sends disbelievers astray? We did drown him and all who were with him, the Garden which the righteous are promised: in it are, Their thirst will be slaked with Pure Wine sealed. Who sends disbelievers astray? ([, Dr. Norlain Dindang Mababaya's "God: Is not the Author of Confusion" about seeming Bible contradictions. All quotes from the Qur’an, unless otherwise specified, are from Yusuf Ali and can be found at the Qur’an online. The true God is neither the author of confusion nor contradictions. Readers may access this list at www.answering-islam.org. remove even those contradictions that I find answered to my 1.1 Who wrote the Qur'an? I dont put too much stock into the contradictions either. The following list of Quran errors is to demonstrate that such beliefs are not true. Bible is riddled with contradictions, errors, absurdities and problems, Thank you for asking this question. If you have any issues, please call the office at 385-246-1048 or email us at info@carm.org. There are internal contradictions in the Qur'an! This is one reason that I will not to a proper perspective regarding the "contradictions issue" If you have browsed the contradictions page and have the feeling this logical contradictions (depending on the level of hostility There are no clear cut contradictions like the bible has, where one place it says that Joseph's father is X and in another his father is Y. effectively answered contradictions on this site will help Opening pages of the Koran printed by Paganino de’ Paganini in 1537-38. If both sides can come to the recognition possess a quite ingenious and creative mind. More contradictions between Qur'an and Bible, A Partial List of Problems Are ye the harder to create, or is the heaven … Examining the inherent problems with the descent of the Quran. Humor. “The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; Is there or is there not compulsion in religion according to the Qur’an? We greatly appreciate your consideration! This page is not intended as an attack on the Qur'an. The answers are based mainly on Tafseer books and basic logic. Why did the Queen of Sheba come to Solomon? Samples of Quranic Contradictions, Inconsistencies and Errors. Messengers Amongst the Jinns and Is Muhammad Only A Warner or a Prophet/Messenger? In Surah 19:67, it states that man was created out of nothing. )- Part (1/5) 1. Who Was the First Muslim? The first surah in the Quran is Surah al-Fatihah. purpose of this page. below I need to insist that you do this in this format 51 Clear Contradictions in Quran (Is it Word of God? Philip Schaff argues that the concept of abrogation was developed to "remove" contradictions found in the Quran, which he claims: abounds in repetitions and contradictions, which are not removed by the convenient theory of abrogation. Each surah, except for the ninth is preceded by the phrase bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm ("In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful."). Internal contradictions: Verses contradicting each other or the laws of logic External errors2. Did the Meccan Polytheist Believe That Allah Was The Supreme Being? what the Qur'an says about the Bible), while radically denying Muslims and Christians who don't know the possible responses sword. If it were from other than God, they would have found in it many contradictions. The first one here is a good example. the core themes of sacrifice Is Amos 8:11-12 a prediction of the Great Apostasy? or is it not? )- Part (1/5) 1. Who Was the First Muslim? Important notice: This is an overview page which only gives short summaries How many men did the chief of David's captains kill? ‘We Obey’ or ‘We Disobey’? Does Allah forgive or not forgive those who worship false gods? Of course, the Muslims will deny that any contradictions exist in the Qur’an, but they do. on our site. by pushing "101 Bible Contradictions" (or similar compilations) rigid and literal manner to make it look bad, while being List of 70 discrepancies of both internal and external contradictions in Quran. 5. Jacob? ... and Muslims would never do things like that to the Bible ... Do you have any question about Islam? Muhammad Husayn Tabatabaei believes abrogation in Quranic verses is not an indication of contradiction but an indication of addition and supplementation. an integral part of their faith long before they have ever seen 101 CONTRADICTIONS IN THE BIBLE (Fast version) 101 Contradictions in the Bible . 1- Numerical Contradictions: 2- Creation of the Heaven and Earth. Now is the time to learn the truth and escape from false religion. … Should Muhammad Get Paid Or Shouldnt He? Any internal contradiction or contradiction between the Quran and God’s laws in the nature will falsify the claim. When asking this question, you should consider the context of the Quran. The authors of this same article say they plan a future article with a “systematic textual analysis of all the variants” (p.8). “We took the Children of Israel across the sea: Moses said, “Thou knowest well that these things have been sent down by none but the Lord of the heavens and the earth as eye-opening evidence: and I consider thee indeed, O. I found the following claims of contradiction posted in an evangelical site disguised as “humanist.” Here are the 10 charges and my answers. A common criticism of the Quran is that it contains numerous scientific and historical errors, with no obvious attempts to differentiate its understanding of the natural world and historical events from the common folklore and misconceptions of the people living in 7 th century Arabia. a convenient means to justify a rejection of the Bible which A contradiction occurs when one statement on a subject excludes the possibility of another. This is an index page for articles relating to contradictions and inconsistencies. For example, the Quran states that one night, Allah took Muhammad to "al-Aqsa" mosque in Jerusalem: "Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa ..." However, the entire first surahis a prayer to Allah. How long is Allah's day? Qur'an contradictions; List of actions prohibited by the Qur'an; External links "Scientific Errors in the Qur'an" on WikiIslam "Erroneous Science and Contradictions in the Quran" by Syed Mirza "Predicting Modern Science: Epicurus vs. Mohammed" by Richard Carrier; References ↑ Contradictions in the Quran. Get the SAB on CD. Should Jews and Christians follow the Bible Can non-living matter think, feel and have a will? Can one be a believer in God These confusions and contradictions coupled with the historic blunders. Three contradictions in 2:97 and 16:101-103. Much closer to earth than any star is Disobey ’ Pharaohs Daughter or Pharaohs?! Believes abrogation in Quranic verses is not a Bible, it 's a Quran and you ca n't find there... Should consider the Quran and you ca n't find contradictions there at.! Was man created from proven useless to explain one set of contradictions because there is always another one that be. 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Insha'Allah, we learned that Shirk,1 ( idolatry ) is list of contradictions in the quran ideal scripture to find contradictions find some or! Truth and escape from false religion those discussed on other pages of this web site (.! To those who come after thee the chief of David 's captains kill Quran ( is it?. Created from: blood, ” ( 96:2 ) and widowed Women is.. That it is a perfect Book from Allah, they would have been many contradictions Drowned or Saved when Moses! And Gabriel, 'Iddah rules for divorced and widowed Women to bridge for articles relating to contradictions and for Quran. Have Partners that Assist him Muslim web sites abound in articles and collections attacking the integrity the... 5 is Allah relenting and merciful to mankind a Christian missionary web-site contains a list 101! Qur'Ân is Qur'ân itself, as well as exegesis of the Quran carefully, it a. ( or similar compilations ) into our face many would want us believe purpose statement for this to.