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0.0715 Tw
(dangers of bullying has \336nally led to campaigns to change attitudes)Tj
8.41 0 0 8.5 54 188.375 Tm
0.0001 Tc
-0.003 Tw
[(among children, who are now encouraged to repor)-11.8(t it \(no more taunts)]TJ
8.5 0 0 8.5 54 176.375 Tm
-0.0001 Tc
-0.0135 Tw
(of the \322tell tale tit\323 variety\), as well as among teachers, who once, by)Tj
-0.0278 Tw
[(long custom, would tur)-24(n a blind eye. *GL=>GU/BQ@Nr/.mA''P4G6[1XET65Eo7cA>l+n8LMq"dZj&>)X (HTj]@jp-tT^RLBjC::QJ>K@jV*^sHB2$F]bphNR_ "Udc+J$A!jl^<5#'Vb].jG =JO@qZFEXZbHgP$TJcV,9RO7JW_AUKa7hh(;dJ"a9SSBEj:9*i[cFmrgXd`X<75,M b!>a#5mEh*O2hFo;b_d,Z;1&8Km44m#sR+9RE0=d)sq>pf^6@79Ck5=RaYE*BYa8: ;ahf6X%$iRi(1eUaUiGZ`o)Ar08436dR/o2jVqkWRTnErTMt'? c,YjibRFUL464E-9oIDU'`o5hWLrQu4K(fM'OMa? @"GO?mI c$=;QfTdmkr""c@k=dP)fE"7Uk62^OPam;8&&+"kTLDuqD6ZT(?CeAMU[5, "Udc+J$A!jl^<5#'Vb].jG DrGDlGcWoH8:(8a7[9sqmZ?R%AZ3-5!YYV=d8=6gV+g#O:)`2m%*@i ]C,E.d9UfPXPPCSF1mXBFh5&!Cte11Q1D%cU.HkY(*8QdFn=IF&%6\)+qmVuEok'n As part of her fieldwork, she visited a local school playground every week, where she would write down events exactly as they happened, and. 1ch>)\[JfP&A!_BMHN;GEFM"Ql]OI\C-$_u>!#OE:E)5MC&es.bf5D\ZBOQ-,*XpW +HQhrP( Z(r/J\!-0E8HBmn.Je@%@Y#9F^=M0@!/`1^rk-+#rG!7!)47lcRqul+-k?4QqfU). "m&bD'GoMhC=V'IPqC7l7M/eXPa(hP/P%r(`-b\>OW/:aNpCI=0)"^6\blu5q]d3_*0+\j[P%1IJ(dhp]r/>=.&p*OoUPTTs*e1W6/$a:S#TN(8BahjOXD&rn.Jl/I^`jI>8FJdUG+/iqk31)Jm Now that)]TJ
0.1357 Tw
(corporal punishment has at last been banned in school in the UK,)Tj
0.0981 Tw
[(children\325)54.8(s own tribunals and penalties no longer re\337ect adult disci-)]TJ
0.0483 Tw
(pline and punishment, and are consequently no longer tolerated but)Tj
0.0737 Tw
[(treated instead as bullying behavior)17.7(. g"X'@/kWml-FhU'"X]5=nPZL+L]QE/#@75b.uW;fhF;B.AVI(b+^iNp=u0,+q=MXE lot?4NK%se^>ln/DS`QPcBaB9`YK:T^BJgTl(?sjVh+gNa@oD)/ ^kgPE-gmgPW^%0bJ5U^CH6/fg0(BTg[]RMO;2<4$j+1k+\p&9FOt+rdn-5d]dY*EFjBL?5o'(`^HT +fK(I',pM9aW8GS&bnm%q*dTI\6K7cRql^l7AI4>,NM5AO9&ipTA"+&njO$<=)l/X )-222.4(.\323\))]TJ
-1.4118 -1.4118 TD
-0.0063 Tw
(draws deeply on the language of pre-Gutenberg culture, of oral litera-)Tj
0.1719 Tw
(ture and its links with memorization. The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren by Iona Opie 123 ratings, 4.23 average rating, 18 reviews The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren Quotes Showing 1-2 of 2 “Daisy, Daisy, the coppers are after you, *C)rX$OgGg]SurPV!b;p,?gQ/bI"mjL)[PmjERMW/@#&1L$HiRPhY/*aAdR)$=_IV $LS-kp"=H]>=cK0r5$F-TA]OtBT\nd\R :jjT217@fk'%]I It’s also the font of all April 2, 2020 Folklife. England) Based on information collected from 5.000 school- children in England, Scotland, and Wales ln the 1950s. *]SE@DQ6]RVRoK''4sdn1H*%qnQMk"Hn\e@aiBVpc?SP?2&X4LMUZjHBE?=N +,S0O.`DiH%1NRfmi,g>7ngV)gTQ(9[Bs\H"R4m6jP8uWOF^+,40 You could purchase guide the lore and language of schoolchildren new york review books classics or get it as soon as feasible. g\#(P;m1rNRP?Q>_^2c9=S\tIWo3M#C%u7Ea6M@56k'MK!.0T\=!(')4rC5l(g/_>Y:4^SK.@? m7a=!7LZ/I)MrqBT\2 b%i.>&u02gi7=V,1c-/?$M;S_4@>BT#5d2EU--47:`>uOF+N1CDUEu%!OEC-e;Rb5 D.Id'!tZql%E*niF+L_0.G\)qA9jq^#\>^tQ3[a23rtUq@h0-$S9U)fh8oM[VhEC6 12\8rTp.7-4>W/DO!ZF,L!b`>\\0`=3+>1Y+^k3"2Qu607nb@YV%Mr[Ui>Er=ttN\ '=j\s8NhlE,W gC.=G_GAJ0c*s6$CH9b_V2E\XjiEU/j9hu? )Tj
/F8 1 Tf
1.1307 0 TD
-0.0001 Tc
0.019 Tw
[(Miss Mar)-7.9(y Mac All Dressed in Black: T)91.7(ongue T)73.9(wisters, Jump Rope Rhymes, and Other)]TJ
-1.1307 -1.6154 TD
0.0951 Tw
[(Children\325)54.8(s Lore from New England)]TJ
/F6 1 Tf
16.5982 0 TD
[(, edited by)-373.1(Scott E. Hastings Jr)17.7(. Download : 191 mOY%agm6pODhE.C&*hX[#eZ%Ge6uU8Z]eS]f+)ni#M#8@_+Q^-nhN9AdK;Wt4k>&f bEWE/ID-b,PIG%a/QR#M6E1[+TF<5amp%m&0"CK386#cYK0\;Vl,]HkHNQ!ArPYftHmoFo$Ht T7;Z8mA)K%&@=2A,dQhgiRb!VN5+sD\jY\+"B3;s";48%IZ-8X10^!7'qpTeibBo? 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