Author: Petrus Herbert | Bach's Works: Not used by J.S. Author: Valentin Ernst Löscher | Bach's Works: BWV 479, Kommt wieder aus der finstern Gruft [missing translation] 369  Author: Anon | Bach's Works: BWV 95/1; BWV 281; BWV 282; BWV 1142/18,21, Christus, der uns selig macht (NLGB 70; EG 77) Bach. 292  289  Authors: Philipp Melanchthon / Nikolaus Selnecker | Bach's Works: BWV 6/3; BWV 253; BWV Anh 4a/5, Ach, daß nicht die letzte Stunde [missing translation] 45  | Part 4 111  176  51  39.7  1123  90.5  79  155.5  24.6  Author: Johann Heermann | Bach's Works: BWV 107/1-7, Was willst du dich, o meine Seele, kränken [missing verses; partial translation] 260  Author: David Denicke | Bach's Works: BWV 153/1, Schaut, ihr Sünder [partial translation] 154.8  303  355  Author: Johann Rist | Bach's Works: BWV 248/38,40; BWV 356, Jesu, Jesu, du bist mein [partial translation] 248.33  Author: Matthäus Appelles von Löwenstern | Bach's Works: BWV 378, Mein Jesu, dem die Seraphinen [missing translation] 323  38.6  388  205  Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 308, Es stehn vor Gottes Throne (NLGB 161) [partial translation] 1084  346  111.6  258  363  174  244.46  429  74  144  Author: Nikolaus Decius / Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 260, Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ 326  353  | The Chorale in the Church Service [A. Schweitzer] 148  8  248.5  This unique and varied style of … Bach in his vocal works, Gott fähret auf gen Himmel 96.6  Author: Ämilie Juliane von Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt | Bach's Works: BWV 27/1; BWV 84/5; BWV 166/6; ; BWV 434, Werde munter mein Gemüte 29  126.6  405  1124  84  Details and Recordings 117.4=117.9  Author: Johann Kolrose | Bach's Works: BWV 438; BWV 1123, Wo ist mein Schäflein, das ich liebe [missing translation] 240  97.9  65.7  21  Author: Anon | Bach's Works: BWV 323, Gott Vater, sende deinen Geist See also... 701; Singt zu Gottes Ehre 340; KGUG 24) 29.8  136  139    156  Johann Sebastian Bach's vocal music includes cantatas, motets, masses, Magnificats, Passions, oratorios, four-part chorales, songs and arias.His instrumental music includes concertos, suites, sonatas, fugues, and other works for organ, harpsichord, lute, violin, viola da gamba, cello, flute, chamber ensemble and orchestra.. Chorale Texts used in Bach's Vocal Works Gottes Sohn ist kommen Text and Translation of Chorale: EKG: NLGB 5; GH 5; EKG 2; EG 15; KELG 15 Author: Johann Horn (1544) Chorale Melody: Gottes Sohn ist kommen > Menschenkind, merk oben (Zahn 3294) | Composer: Michael Weisse (Bohemian Brethren, 1501/1531), after an early church melody (Hohenfurt, … 171.6  310  282  65.2  Author: Christian Heinrich Postel | Bach's Works: BWV 245/22,30,19[partly, in the later version],13[possibly], Der weinende Petrus from Der Grünen Jugend Nothwendige Gedanken Author: Michael Franck | Bach's Works: BWV 477, Keinen hat Gott verlassen (NLGB 292; ELG 517) [partial translation] Author: Anon (probably Johann Spangenberg) | Bach's Works: BWV 371, Lass, o Herr, dein Ohr sich neigen [missing translation] 60  211  298; Sing mit 126; ELG 96) 42.7  50  Author: Martin Luther / Johann Walter | Bach's Works: BWV 42/7; BWV 126/6, Verzage nicht, o Häuflein klein [missing translation] 64.8  | Preludi ai Corali - Quartetto Italiani di Viola Da Gamba 1125  402  158.4  227.1=227.11  238  157  362  Author: Peter Abelard, Nicht so traurig, nicht so sehr [missing translation] Author: Anon | Bach's Works: BWV 83/2, Das walt Gott Vater und Gott Sohn [partial translation] 2.6  277  302  41  265  245.28  Author: Anon | Bach's Works: BWV 272, Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich Author: Hans Vogel | Bach's Works: BWV 187/7, Singt dem Herrn ein neues Lied (GGEL 375) [missing translation] Author: Johann Franck | Bach's Works: BWV 247/32; BWV 330; BWV 331, Herr Jesu Christ! 136.6  Author: Adam Reusner | Bach's Works: BWV 52/6; BWV 106/4; BWV 244/32; BWV 247/5, In dulci jubilo (EKG 26) Author: Martin Behm | Bach's Works: BWV 58/5; BWV 118/1; BWV 335, O Jesu, du mein Bräutigam 137.5  Author: Anon (A.G.B. 1.6  Chorale melodies were sung by a congregation in Lutheran churches in parts of Germany. Author: Georg Christian Schemelli | Bach's Works: BWV 462, Gottes Sohn ist kommen (NLGB 5; GH 5; EKG 2; EG 15; KELG 15) [partial translation] Author: Christoph Runge | Bach's Works: BWV 248/35, Liebes Herz, bedenke doch [missing translation] 7.7  Author: Johann Heermann | Bach's Works: BWV 13/3, Other (borrwed) Texts used in Bach's Vocal Works, Arnstädter Gesangbuch (1745) 354  77.6  Author: Christian Weise | Bach's Works: BWV 245/13, Prepared by Francis Browne & Aryeh Oron (April 2003 - March 2020) 256  Straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn [EKG 176, ELH 454] 1  127  368  128.5  Author: David Trommer | Bach's Works: BWV 444, Brunnquell aller Güte [missing translation] Created: Oct 30, 2009 | Updated: Nov 30, 2014. Author: Martin Luther & Justus Jonas | Bach's Works: BWV 6/6; BWV 126/1,~2,3,4-5, Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist 91.6  202  356  Preview. Author: Wolfgang Meuslin / Cornelius Becker | Bach's Works: BWV 85/3, BWV 104/6, BWV 112/1-5, Der lieben Sonne Licht und Pracht [missing translation] 195.6  57.8  103.6  20.7=20.11  Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 2/1-6, Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid 244.15  146  72.6  Author: Ulrich Bogislaus von Bonin | Bach's Works: BWV 455, Es glänzet der Christen inwendiges Leben [missing translation] 189  99  3 1 customer reviews. 415  Author: Christian Friedrich Richter | Bach's Works: BWV 459, Es spricht der unweisen mund wohl (NLGB 250) 1089  430  246  1089  41.6  11.6  Author: Rudolph Friedrich von Schultt | Bach's Works: BWV 424; BWV 506, Was frag ich nach der Welt 406  57  394  Autor: Christian Weise | Bach's Works: BWV 245/Mvt. Bach in his vocal works. 248.35  304  bach– by Luke Dahn. This is a new edition of the Bach Chorales that includes instructions on how to study and how to record them. 367  52  | Texts & Translations of Chorales BWV 250-438 303  309  Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 244/10,37; BWV 245/11; BWV 247/11; BWV 393; BWV 394; BWV 395, O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr Frommen 67.4  500a  218  75.7=75.14  Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 294, Der Tag ist hin, die Sonne gehet nieder (EG 46) [missing translation] 304  255  Author: Wolfgang Meuslin | Bach's Works: BWV 274, Christe, du Beistand deiner Kreuzgemeine 64  370  107.7  351  342  396  Bach, 371 Harmonized Chorales and 69 Chorale Melodies with Figured Bass, ed. 227.7  272  62.6  Author: Michael Franck | Bach's Works: BWV 26/1,6; BWV 1142/3, Alle Menschen müssen sterben 115.6  46  244  164  145a  285  Author: Ludwig Helmbold | Bach's Works: BWV 309, Es wird schier der letzte Tag herkommen (NLGB 393; ELG 485) [partial translation] 79.6  Author: Martin Schalling | Bach's Works: BWV 149/7, BWV 174/5, BWV 245/40; BWV 340, Herzlich tut mich verlangen [partial translation] | Explanation 288  Chorales Text used in Bach's Vocal Works Texts & English Translations: This section of the Bach Cantatas Website (BCW) contains Chorale Texts [hereafter referred to simply as ‘CT’s] used by Bach in the cantatas and his other vocal works. 226.2  432  Author: Caspar Peltsch | Bach's Works: BWV 313, Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott 130.6  45.7  340  184  358  40  76.7=76.14  216  Albert Riemenschneider, G. Schirmer, NY, 1941. 101  133.6  217  245.22  331  308  Author: Paul Stockmann | Bach's Works: BWV 159/5; BWV 182/7; BWV 245/14,28,32,A; BWV 247/21, Jesu, meine Freude (EKG 293) 188.6  Author: Johann Rist | Bach's Works: BWV 248/12; BWV 454, Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag 500a  307  129.5  321  277  389  Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 218/5; BWV 370, Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott 384  348  152  103  204  275  Author: Johann Franck | Bach's Works: BWV 248/53; BWV 366; BWV 476, In allen meinen Taten 245.40  140.7  59  Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 437, Wir singen dir, Immanuel Bach, who wrote 46 (with a 47th unfinished) examples of the form in his Orgelbüchlein, along with multiple other works of the type in other collections 181  244.54  269  185.6  102.7  26  Author:? 70.7  | Links to other Sites about the Chorales, Chorales Text used in Bach's Vocal Works 356  197.5  (KGEL 172) [missing translation] 7.7  146.8  149.7  Author: Georg Niege | Bach's Works: BWV 269, Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (Psalm 130) (EKG 195) 10  47.5  254  | Chorales BWV 401-438 109  319  40.3  324  270  69.6  233  Author: Johann Burchard Freystein | Bach's Works: BWV 115/1,~2-5,6, Mein Augen schließ ich jetzt in Gottes Namen zu (NLGB 210) [partial translation] 416  91  Author: Jakob Peter Schechs | Bach's Works: BWV 254, Ach Gott und Herr 10.7  Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 176/6, Was betrübst du dich, mein Herze [missing verses] 327  Author: Balthasar Kindermann | Bach's Works: BWV 64/4; BWV 94/1,~2,3,~4,5,~6,~7,8, Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan 328  248.42  85.6  Author: Martin Behm | Bach's Works: BWV 290, Das walt mein Gott, Vater, Sohn und Heilger Geist (NLGB 201) [partial translation] 245.17  Author: Gottfried Arnold | Bach's Works: BWV 505, Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich (NLGB P 798; EG 421) Author: Friedrich Spee / Johann Rist | Bach's Works: BWV 247/44, BWV 404. 22.5  Author: Johann Olearius | Bach's Works: BWV 129/1-5, Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ 306  Author: Martin Opitz | Bach's Works: BWV 440, Auf, auf! 85  | Bach's Works: BWV 335, O Jesu, meine Lust [partial translation] 178.7  THIS 3RD EDITION IS NOW OUT-OF-PRINT PLEASE SEE THE 4TH EDITION: Harmonising Bach Chorales: the definitive guide for students and teachers (ISBN 1985791315) This book is a concise guide to the harmony of Bach’s chorales for advanced level music students, equipping them with the knowledge and understanding to complete their own chorale … © 2000-2021 Bach Cantatas Website, Last update: Thursday, April 30, 2020 23:14, Preludi ai Corali - Quartetto Italiani di Viola Da Gamba, Motets & Chorales for Events in the LCY / Chorales by Theme, 371 4-Part Chorales sorted by Breitkopf Number, Texts & Translations of Chorales BWV 250-438, The Origin of the Texts of the Chorales [A. Schweitzer], The Origin of the Melodies of the Chorales [A. Schweitzer], The Chorale in the Church Service [A. Schweitzer], Hidden Chorale Melody Allusions [T. Braatz], The History of the Breitkopf Collection of J. S. Bach’s Four-Part Chorales [T. Braatz], Ach Gott, erhör' mein Seufzen und Wehklagen, Auf, auf, mein Herz, und du, mein ganzer Sinn, Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (Psalm 130), Danket dem Herrn, denn er ist sehr freundlich, Das walt mein Gott, Vater, Sohn und Heilger Geist, Die Sonn hat sich mit ihrem Glanz gewendet, Erwürgtes Lamm, das die verwahrten Siegel, Es ist vollbracht! 2  | General Discussions: Part 1 89  135  197  | Part 3 Bach chorale guide (A2) 4.7 6 customer reviews. 86.6  Unless otherwise noted, all articles and resources are created by Luke Dahn. 266  317  269  273  198  Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 195/6, Nun danket alle Gott 1126  Author: Paul Eber | Bach's Works: BWV 130/1,~2-5,6; BWV 326; BWV 327, Herr Gott, dich loben wir [The German Tedeum] 253  Author: Christian Keymann | Bach's Works: BWV 410; BWV 499, Sei Lob und Ehr' dem höchsten Gut 365  Author: Ambrosius [Ambrose of Milan], Veni Creator Spiritus > Komm, Gott Schöpfer, Heiliger Geist 67  ), BWV 188/6, Aus meines Herzens Grunde (EG 443) It is important to understand the basics of how modulations work, or you will not be able to make sense of what Bach is doing. 244.10  307  Arranged by BWV number, this new 219–page edition of 420 Bach settings is the most comprehensive edition available, containing nearly 70 settings that are left out of the popular Riemenschneider edition. Find out more about them here. 490; ELG 546) This section of the Bach Cantatas Website (BCW) contains Chorale Texts [hereafter referred to simply as ‘CT’s] used by Bach in the cantatas and his other vocal works. Author: Erasmus Alberus | Bach's Works: BWV 319, Gott lebet noch (KGEL 359) [partial translation] 23  Author: Sigismund von Birken | Bach's Works: BWV 481, Laßt Furcht und Pein [missing translation] Steps on Practicing Bach Chorales Know the four voices in traditional four-part writing — soprano, alto, tenor, bass (SATB). 177  95.7  Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 36/2,6,8, BWV 61/1, BWV 62/1,6, Nun laßt uns Gott dem Herren 76.7=76.14  281  • Melodies should be something easy to sing with a recognisable tune. 38  Author: Josua Wegelin / Ernst Sonnemann | Bach's Works: BWV 128/1,~2-4, Auf, mein Herz, des Herren Tag | Part 2 Author: Georg Thym or Nikolaus Selnecker | Bach's Works: Not used by J.S. 104.6  100.6  13.6  Bach Chorales These 20 chorale exercises (with solutions) are intended for use in preparation for EdExcel A2 tests. Author: Simon Dach | Bach's Works: BWV 405; BWV 406; BWV 495, O wir armen Sünder (NLGB 68; ELS 100) [partial translation] 286  56  Author: Christian Scriver | Bach's Works: BWV 446, Der Tag der ist so freudenreich (NLGB 18) Author: Paul Eber | Bach's Works: BWV 16/6; BWV 28/6; BWV 419, Heilig, heilig, heilig [The German Sanctus] 288  31.9  74.8  316  | Bach's Works: BWV 245/22, Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (NLGB 255; EG 362) 124.6  Author: Georg Neumark | Bach's Works: BWV 21/9; BWV 88/7; BWV 93/1,2,~3,4,5,~6,7; BWV 197/10; BWV 434, Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende Of the two, R310 (from the St. Matthew Passion) is the more interesting, but too difficult for AS. Author: Created by Nadine1981. 252  135.6  423  268  Author: Anon | Bach's Works: BWV 325, Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn Author: Nikolaus Herman | Bach's Works: BWV 151/5; BWV 375; BWV 376, Machs mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Güt is a web resource for learning about writing four-part harmony in the style of J.S. Author: Georg Werner | Bach's Works: BWV 248/64, Ihr Gestirn, ihr hohlen Lüfte [partial translation] Author: Johann Rist | Bach's Works: BWV 20/1,7,11; BWV 60/1; BWV 247/11, BWV 397, BWV 513, O finstre Nacht, wenn wirst du doch vergehen [missing translation] Author: Ludwig Helmbold | Bach's Works: BWV 79/6, BWV 165/6, Nun, liebe Seel, nun ist es Zeit [partial translation] 326  98  195  349  Author: Created by schenker. 193  Author: Martin Jahn | Bach's Works: BWV 146/8; BWV 147/6,10, BWV 154/3; BWV 359; BWV 360, Jesu, meines Glaubens Zier [missing translation] 248.59  Author: Adam Thebesius | Bach's Works: BWV 300, Du Lebensfürst, Herr Jesu Christ [partial translation]. Author: Johann Christoph Rube | Bach's Works: BWV 139/1,~2-5,6, Zeuch ein zu deinen Toren (EKG 105) [partial translation] Author: Salomo Franck | Bach's Works: BWV 245/13 [possibly, in the later version], Brockes-Passion Der für die Sünde der Welt Gemarterte und Sterbende Jesus | Part 7 59.3  144.3  Author: Johann Christoph Rube | Bach's Works: BWV 447, Der Tag mit seinem Lichte [missing translation] In Bach's chorale prelude BWV 640, the cantus firmus is in the soprano voice, several times held back for effect. Author: Johann Jakob Schütz | Bach's Works: BWV 117/1-9, BWV 251, Selig ist die Seele (FT:V 539) [partial translation] Bach in his vocal works. Author: Christoph Demantius | Bach's Works: BWV 19/7, BWV 70/7, Freuet euch, ihr Christen alle (EKG 25) Author: Johann Heermann | Bach's Works: BWV 265, Als vierzig Tag nach Ostern warn [missing verses; partial translation] Author: Matthäus Appelles von Löwenstern | Bach's Works: BWV 427, Wenn mein Stündlein vorhanden ist 334  387  Around 40 of these were composed during his second year as Thomaskantor in Leipzig, which started after Trinity Sunday 4 June 1724, and form the backbone of his chorale cantata cycle.The eldest known cantata by Bach, an early version of Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4, … Author: Heinrich Elmenhorst | Bach's Works: BWV 450, Die güldne Sonne voll Freud und Wonne [missing translation] 322  Author: Anon | Bach's Works: BWV 338, Herr, wie du willst, so schick's mit mir 414  165.6  182  • These melodies are broken up into phrases, which are identified by pause marks – this is where you put your cadences. 44  156.6  167.5  417  245  Author: Sebald Heyden | Bach's Works: BWV 244/29; BWV 402, O Mensch, schau Jesum Christum an 263  236  | Part 6 Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 364, Jesus ist das schönste Licht [missing translation] Author: Johann Rist | Bach's Works: BWV 248/42, BWV 344, Ich armer Mensch, ich armer Sünder 248  99.6  358  Author: Adam Drese | Bach's Works: BWV 497, Sei gegrüßet, Jesu gütig (NLGB 432; FT: IV: 14) [partial translation] Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 103/6, Befiehl du deine Wege 203  354  Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 243a/2a, BWV 248/9, Von Gott will ich nicht lassen (EKG 283) Author: Andreas Keßler | Bach's Works: BWV 247/40, BWV 369, Komm, Gott Schöpfer, Heiliger Geist (EKG 97; EG 126; KGEL 132) Author: Martin Rutilius / Johann Major | Bach's Works: BWV 48/3, BWV 255, Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein 377  Author: Caspar Neumann | Bach's Works: BWV 145/a, Auf meinen lieben Gott Author: Magnus Daniel Omeis | Bach's Works: BWV 457, Es ist vollbracht! 110  244.17  | Part 3 441  Author: Johann Rist | Bach's Works: BWV 55/5; BWV 244/40, Wie bist du, Seele, in mir so gar betrübt [partial translation] Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 159/2; BWV 244//15,17,54,62; BWV 247/23,30, O Herre Gott, dein göttlichs Wort Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 413, Steh ich bei meinem Gott [missing translation] 66.6  20  Author: Martin Opitz | Bach's Works: BWV 372, Lasset ab von euren Thränen [missing translation] 90  Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 38/1,6, Barmherzger Vater, höchster Gott 84.5  Author: Valentin Thilo | Bach's Works: BWV 493, O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht 125.6  48  287  14  58  252  427  43  135.6  Author: Ernst Christoph Homburg | Bach's Works: BWV 247/36, Jesu, nun sei gepreiset 178  207  137  Author: Martin Moller | Bach's Works: BWV 3/1,2,6, BWV 44/4, BWV 58/1, BWV 153/9, Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder Author: Matthäus Appelles von Löwenstern | Bach's Works: BWV 341, Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn (NLGB 95; GH 145; EKG 83; EG 109; KGEL 107) 672; Lebenslieder 17) 339  Author: Anon | Bach's Works: BWV 381; BWV 488, Mit Fried und Freud (EG 519) 79.6  Harmonising Bach Chorales: the definitive guide for students and teachers Chris Gill. Author: Tobias Zeutschner | Bach's Works: BWV 435, Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (NLGB 313; GH 479; EKG 48; EG 70) 12.7  171.6  Texts & English Translations. Author: Bodo von Hodenberg / Justus Gesenius | Bach's Works: BWV 327, Wach auf, mein Herz, und singe 248.17  187.7  311  27.6  The melodies are recognisable, and are divided into phrases, which are identified by pause marks. Author: Franz Burchart | Bach's Works: BWV 349, Ich danke dir, Herr [o] Gott, in deinem Throne [missing verses; partial translation] 338  254  Author: Gottfried Wilhelm Sacer | Bach's Works: BWV 472, Jesu, meines Herzens Freud 329  Author: Anon / Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 59/3, BWV 226/2, Komm, Jesu, komm, mein Leib ist müde [several verses missing; partial translation] 322  343  272  Author: Georg Christian Schemelli or Friedrich Schultze | Bach's Works: BWV 487, Meine Seele erhebet den Herren 22  Author: Erhart Hegenwalt | Bach's Works: BWV 305, Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort (NLGB 323) Author: David Denicke | Bach's Works: BWV 39/7, Kommt, Seelen, dieser Tag [missing translation] 183  225  19  337  106  117  Author: Caelius Sedulius, Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ 244.44  52.6  197a.7  Author: Johannes Freder | Bach's Works: BWV 346, Ich dank dir, lieber Herre (NLGB 191; OB 144) [partial translation] Bach's arrangements of hymn tunes found their way into cantatas, organ preludes, motets and other pieces. Articles: The Origin of the Texts of the Chorales [A. Schweitzer] 161.6  The way in which the voices lead from one note to the next is called voice-leading. 158  232  194.12  Chorales Not in Riemenschneider (by BWV): 276  397  257  220  12.7  153.5  wer an Jesum denkt [missing translation] 363  379  O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben [partial translation] 104  13[19], Des heil'gen Geistes reiche gnad' (NLGB 126) 258  Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 228/3-4; BWV 422, Was alle Weisheit in der Welt [KGEL 150; Fischer-Tümpel III 415] | Wagner Hymnal 1697 245.14  This is a great guide to harmonising chorales in the style of Bach. 179  Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 32/6, Welt, ade! 16.6  297  194.6  313  Author: Ludwig Helmbold | Bach's Works: BWV 73/5, BWV 186a/6, BWV 417, BWV 418, BWV 419, Vor deinen Thron tret ich hiermit (ELG 315) 361  66  360  The instrumental counterpoint section is based on Bach's two-and three-part Inventions. | Part 5 316  116.6  BWV deest (O Traurigkeit). 347  330  dich zu uns wend (NLGB 314; GH 240; KELG 2) 244b.29  Author: Johann Olearius | Bach's Works: BWV 30/6, Uns ist ein Kindlein heut geborn (NLGB 28; KELG 40) 32.6  Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 40/6, Seelenbräutigam [partial translation] 197.10  280  253  4.8  110.7  Author: Michael Weisse | Bach's Works: BWV 264, Als Jesu Christus in der Nacht [partial translation] 357  398; Singt zu Gottes Ehre 263) 191  Author: Johann Horn | Bach's Works: BWV 318, Gottlob, es geht nunmehr zm Ende (ELG 938) [missing verses; partial translation] Author: Anon | Bach's Works: BWV 295, Dich bet ich an, mein höchster Gott [missing translation] Voice-leading in Bach Chorales [ Download Double SLAP and Harmonic DOs and DON'Ts (PDF)] Composers have always paid careful attention to way in which their melodic lines work with each other, as well as to the individual shapes of the lines themselves. | Chorales BWV 351-400 Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 363, Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den Tod überwand (EKG 77; EG 102; KGEL 110) 348  149.7  244.37  287  Author: Philipp Melanchthon, Die bittre Leidenszeit beginnet abermal [missing translation] 345  159.5  This site is devoted to the more than 400 four–part chorales of Johann Sebastian Bach. 235  92.9  268  Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 153/5; BWV 244/44; BWV 247/28; BWV 270; BWV 271; BWV 272, Beglückter Stand getreuer Seelen [missing translation] Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 448, Der weinende Petrus [missing translation] 1122  97.9  1084  If you use this site regularly, please consider making a donation to show your appreciation and to keep things running. | Chorales - N. Matt References: Chorales BWV 250-300 Author: Kaspar Bienemann | Bach's Works: BWV 73/1; BWV 156/6; BWV 339, Herzlich lieb hab' ich dich, o Herr (NLGB 324; EG 397; MHB 459) It covers all the basic rules, different types of cadences and chords, modulation, melodic decoration etc. Till | Bach's Works: BWV 466, Ich laß dich nicht [missing translation] Author: Johann Flittner | Bach's Works: BWV 259, Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig 112  Author: Justus Jonas | Bach's Works: BWV 178/1,2,~3,4,5,~6,7; BWV 247/3,26; BWV 258, Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt sein Gunst (NLGB 268; ELK 193; ELKG 379) 320  48.3  Chorales listed in italics survived by way of secondary sources (i.e. the posthumously–publishd Breitkopf edition) rather than original manuscripts. 168.6  Author: Anon / Bartholomäus Gesius | Bach's Works: BWV 414, Valet will ich dir geben 221  Vergiß ja nicht dies Wort [missing translation] Created: Jun 30, 2010 | Updated: Jun 14, 2011. Author: Christoph Wegleiter | Bach's Works: BWV 443, Betrübtes Herz, sei wohlgemut [missing translation] 18.5  Author: David Denicke | Bach's Works: BWV 77/6, O großer Gott von Macht 259  95.7  Author: Johann Mühlmann | Bach's Works: BWV 287, Danket dem Herrn, denn er ist sehr freundlich (NLGB 218; GH 452) 130.6  | Part 8 375  282  36.4  291  261  157.5  Author: Bartholomäus Ringwaldt | Bach's Works: BWV 113//1,2,~3,4,~5-7,8; BWV 131/2,4; BWV 168/6; BWV 334, Herr Jesu Christ, ich schrei zu dir 139.6  108.6  31.9  231  The mission of the Bach Chorale of Grand Rapids (BCGR) is to preserve, promote, and provide high quality performances of choral music predominantly by European composers, with a special emphasis on the music of J. S. Bach, in an effort to keep the music of the masters alive, and to make this available for lovers of classical music. 229.2  107.7  301  Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 69/6; BWV 76/7,; BWV 311; BWV 312, Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele 4.7 out of 5 stars 19. | Chorales in Bach Cantatas: Part 1 153.1  34  Author: Johann Horn | Bach's Works: BWV 286, Das alte Jahr vergangen ist (EKG 38; EG 59; NLGB 44) 351  Author: Christoph Wegleiter | Bach's Works: BWV 471, Jesu, der du meine Seele (FT II 189) 210  178.7  1122  376  Author: Philipp Nicolai | Bach's Works: BWV 1/1,6; BWV 36/4; BWV 37/3; BWV 49/6; BWV 61/6; BWV 172/6; BWV 436; BWV Anh 199/3, Wie soll ich dich empfangen [partial translation] 339  296  1124  147  Jesu Kreuz, Leiden und Pein (EKG 58; EG 78) [partial translation] 308  153.9  Choral / Chorale: By Charles Sanford Terry (1952): Contents: The Gregorian Choral The Protestant Choral The Earliest Hymn-Books Later Development Poetry of the Choral Bibliography : Choral or Chorale (German: Choral), a choral song (cantus choralis) of ecclesiastical use, whether (a) the choral plain-song (cantus planus, cantus firmus) of the … 314  Author: Jakob Fabricius | Bach's Works: BWV 350, Ich freue mich in dir Author: Anon | Bach's Works: BWV 263, Als der gütige Gott (NLGB 16) [partial translation] 338  12  409  Bach in his vocal works, Gott, durch deine Güte 9.7  Discussions: 418  Author: Nikolaus Herman | Bach's Works: BWV 31/9, BWV 95/7, BWV 428, BWV 429, BWV 430, Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein (NLGB 277; EG 366; Gemeindelieder 57; Jesus unsere Freude! 9  195.6  150  86  344  248.64  Author: Anon | Bach's Works: BWV 490, Nun preiset alle Gottes Barmherzigkeit (EG 502; ELG 15; Feiern & Loben 498; Gemeindelieder 492; Gesangbuch der Evangelischen Brüdergemeine 16; Jesus unsere Freude! A spiral–bound Dahn Edition of the Bach Chorales is available! 173  Author: Martin Opitz | Bach's Works: BWV 463, Herr, nun lass in Friede 179.6  Chorales BWV 250-438: 393  Author: Paul Thymich | Bach's Works: BWV 229, Komm, süßer Tod [missing translation] Author: Caspar Friedrich Nachtenhöfer | Bach's Works: BWV 500; BWV 500a, So gibst du nun, mein Jesu, gute Nacht [partial translation] Author: Erasmus Alberus | Bach's Works: BWV 387, Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein (EG 341; Gemeindelieder 284; Jesus unsere Freude! Author: Johann Franck | Bach's Works: BWV 56/5; BWV 301, Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt 245.11  30  279  404  250  275  89.6  380  120a.8  18  120.6  3  Abbreviations used for the Chorales 306  Corrections and suggestions for improvement are also most welcome. 265  421  Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 14/1-5, BWV 257, Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz 141  214  290  123.6  A chorale is usually a simple and catchy melody to which a hymn is sung by soprano singers with a congregation, while the three lower voices provide the harmony. 222  Author: Christoph Knoll | Bach's Works: BWV 161/1 (later Leipzig version),6; BWV 1142/5, Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen (NLGB 71; EG 81; ELG 158) Author: Nicetas of Remesiana / Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 16/1; BWV 119/9; BWV 120/6; BWV 190/1; BWV 190a/1; BWV 328, Herr Gott, nun sei gepreiset 105  208  5.7  367  359  1126  It also has full chorale exercises in the back of the book which make for very useful practice! 132  334  17.7  159  431  The translations provided have no other aim than providing a guide to the literal meaning of the German. 79.3  Author: Caspar Neumann | Bach's Works: BWV 8/1,6; BWV 483, Liebster Herr Jesu, wo bleibst du so lange [missing translation] 186  229.2  Author: Jakob Ebert | Bach's Works: BWV 67/7; BWV 116/1,~2-5,6; BWV 143/2,7, Du großer Schmerzensmann (NLGB 80; EKG 66: EG 87; ELG 157) [partial translation] 100.6  Understand how a chorale works. Bach in his vocal works. 219  wir sind hier 299  172  294  120  Bach 263  64.4  425  123  248.17  33  352  Author:Daniel Specht | Bach's Works: BWV 403, O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid (NLGB 73; KGUG 20) Albert Riemenschneider, G. Schirmer, NY, 1941. Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 66/6; BWV 276, Christ lag in Todesbanden Bach in his vocal works. Author: Michael Weisse | Bach's Works: BWV 310, Es woll uns Gott genädig sein (EKG 182)

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