For those that don't have the specialist equipment, this is your opertunity to fish for the elusive ferox trout Some activity in the burns today after yesterdays rain. I must find more time to write about fly fishing. Thank you so much for your kind comment. Ferox will also prey on coarse fish. The ideal scenario for ferox is to live in a loch with a large population of … These fish have being heavily exploited by angling in the recent past and little is known of their biology or spawning locations in major Irish lakes. As a fellow Celt, I am more than aware of this fact but that was a Freudian Slip and a half! Tagging has also discovered that Ferox will make wide ranging movements, most likely searching out shoals of baitfish such as Arctic Char. In order to fish for ferox, you need a boat, lots of specialist equipment and a dogged determination which would make most salmon or steelhead anglers, generally considered a perseverant lot, weep. You must log in or register to reply here. Afraid not Stephen. Where to fish Most wild trout fishing which is affordable and easily available by day ticket is in the north and west of the UK. Blog Thoughts, essays, philosophy and general ramblings on all things fly fishing. Fish the shallow sandy margins for trout (av three quartes of a pound) Trawl in the deep water for ferox but some ferox even fall to the fly here. Many years ago approx, 10 I think, I went to a talk and slide show on the subject. I must find more time to write! 5 things you need to know about Ferox Trout. Ferox live a long time for Trout, particularly in the cold, acidic lochs of the Scottish Highlands (a 23 year old fish from Loch Killin being the oldest on record). Therefore, if the charr population consists of small fish, this will restrict the ultimate size of the ferox which feed upon them. The book is published by Swan-Hill Press & is ISBN 1 85310 486 8. Brown trout, pike (30lb+) and ferox (up to double figures) on this large loch. The world record is thought to be 37 lb 6 oz taken in Sweden and history books note a fish of 39 lb 8oz by W.C. Muir in Scotland in 1866. Whether he was part of the Ferox85 group or not I don't know. We didn’t really have a plan, but chatting to a guy in the fly shop in Fort William, I was tipped to head over to a small fishing lodge west of Loch Ness. We fell in love with the lodge, the local river and the lochs, returning year after year without fail. Very useful indeed for its general application to fishing for pike and other large The river is like an old friend to me now – a place I just slot into so easily every time I return. Ferox are active during the day, and have been recorded making dives down to 30 metres, possibly in pursuit of deep dwelling Char. Float fishing for Pike is one of my go to methods when the rivers are out of condition. Ferox 85 Group - GoPro video footage of the catch and release of two "hard fighting" ferox trout (5lb-5oz and 9lb-12oz) at the end of September 2016. One tagging study recorded a 10lb (4.5 kg) increase in weight within 4 years. I’ve fished streams and hill lochs that even the local guide hasn’t visited, but of all the fishing on offer in the area, it was the upper River Garry that hooked me. Specialised ferox fishing. was caught … 17th February 2017 The lure of catching that fish of a lifetime on the fly has kept me going back for 25 years. Ferox have been found to congregate around Loch outlets during the salmon smolt run. We headed out into the open loch and were seeing fish pretty quickly on the fish finder. The current British rod-caught record is a 14.4 kg (31.7lb) fish from Loch Awe, Scotland - a renowned Ferox loch. Deep water trolling for large ferox trout He referred to these great lake Trout as Salmo Ferox, a cannibalistic and voracious feeder that lived in deep water lochs. Whitefish species (coregonids) are common prey, for example in Loch Lomond. Yes they don't half pull a bit, my best is 10lb 12oz. Article duly corrected. Bill Shanley and Joe Darby spent 14 hours trolling over a couple of days in the northern part of the lake but were rewarded with some fine Ferox. Ferox Trout are found throughout the Brown Trout’s native range, wherever there are large glacial lakes. I know John Bailey did quite a lot of research into Ferox Trout. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Although scientists and marine biologists may challenge my logic, there’s a strong personal connection to this name and a story behind it. Stephen, You may be thinking of a book called 'Ferox Trout & Arctic Charr' by Ron Greer. Persistence paid off for two anglers fishing Lough Corrib recently as their hunt to catch a Ferox trout brought them to Lough Corrib. | Powered by WordPress. The 2021 Trophy Trout Trip runs from 31 May to 5 June 2021, with four full days of guided trout fishing for four people. Cost is £800 per person including food and accommodation; travel to and from Orkney is at guests’ own expense. Ireland is not part of Great Britain and never will be. “I released her unharmed back in, and she swam off strongly. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. FISHING Well, I've waffled on a bit to get to the main point of the story which is fishing. Coincidentally, when we arrived, the Tomdoun Hotel in Invergarry was run by a Welshman. It’s greatly appreciated. Gear Unbiased reviews […] Seeforelle - Ferox Trout. Ron is a founder member of the Ferox-85 group. Fishing the Lochs of Scotland using the various techniques of trolling lures from a boat for salmon, Trout, Pike, Perch, Seatrout and that ellusive Ferox trout I was on the River Tay yesterday and caught and returned my However there are also thought to be populations in some Welsh lakes and in England’s Lake District. Well, it wasn’t long before he’d taken these two young Welsh trout bums under his wing. These are valuable and rare fish and must be protected.,,,, Keep up the good work! If Ferox Trout are found in lakes, why is this website called Ferox River? As far You might find yourself preferring Rapalas to all other forms of fishing for trout. When fishing specifically for Ferox trout, deep water trolling is required. Ferox eat fish which are generally one third of their own length. It brings me back to the peace and tranquillity I crave when I go fly fishing in the wild; closer to nature, the River Garry and the surrounding Glens truly are the ‘Great Outdoors’. Trolling is a method of fishing where one or more fishing lines, baited with lures or bait, are drawn through the water, usually behind a moving boat. I suppose if I lived closer to the lochs I'd probably fall for it big-time but atm the thought of committing my limited spare time hauling up to Scotland, only to spend days dragging lures/deads around, doesn't fill me with great enthusiasm. 289 likes. Not surprising then that this river produces enormous, wild Brown Trout and often genuine specimens of the Ferox variety. Ferox will also prey on coarse fish. As we neared the area were Mike and Terry caught Trout, we decided to stick to the plan and troll about fifty yards apart for the first … Hence Ferox River. Arctic charr are of great importance to ferox diet in most Scottish lochs. I find the idea appealing, but there's just too many other things to occupy my angling life. For bait ferox prefer char but char can be hard to come by so many anglers will use quarter pound trout which are more readily available. Other Brown Trout will also occasionally be taken, leading to the label Ferox have inherited as cannibalistic browns. Read all about Ferox (ferrox) trout in Lough Corrib and Lough Mask, Ireland The Corrib and Mask are home to massive trout called ‘Ferox’. Enjoy the photography, blog posts, gear reviews and more. Methods for pike fishing lough derg including, trolling, jerk baiting, dead baiting and flyfishing for pike. Biggest ever brown trout – and ferox The current British rod-caught record for a natural (wild) brown trout stands at 31 lb 12 oz (14.4 kg). The term Ferox was first coined in 1835 by the renowned Scottish angler and naturalist Sir William Jardine. Systematik Unterkohorte: Protacanthopterygii Ordnung: Lachsartige (Salmoniformes) Familie: Lachsfische... Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Where present (for example in Loch Lomond), whitefish species (coregonids) can form the main prey item of ferox. I have been told of a good book on Ferox trout titled Ferox 85 by a group of Scottish Ferox anglers. Of course, large wild Brown Trout like this are prized by fishermen, yet only a tiny proportion of the Trout in a lake are Ferox. At first he thought it was a small Pike as the line swung left and right quite quickly but he soon realised he was stuck into a right cracker as […] Ferox RiverWelcome to Ferox River. Whether or not Ferox are considered a distinct species, their population is low in number. Catch-and-release is therefore of the utmost importance. Arctic Char are important contributors to the Ferox diet, particularly in Scottish lochs. Undoubtedly some of which were Ferox Trout. “I’ve never ever seen a trout caught off the River Trent by another angler in all that time. Can anyone help in giving me any information on the book or where I might locvate a copy? The average time between fish is 5 days. In addition, the introduction of fertile hatchery-bred trout into waters where ferox are present could inadvertently threaten the genetic purity and ancient lineage of this predatory brown trout. Dead bait, spoons, spinners, minnows or rapalas are all effective for ferox (live bait is no longer permitted). The pike are big. Really enjoyed this fishing article. Jardine believed that the large Trout he had caught in Sutherland, Northern Scotland was a distinct species. Thank you for pointing out my sloppy sentence John! Ferox trout reach 20lbs, or more, so tackle must be suitable and of good quality as these are strong, hard fighting fish. Rivers such as the Tweed, Tay, Dee and Spey are synonymous with both salmon fishing and Scotland and Loch Leven is … Fishing … Huge Ferox Trout From Lough Corrib 14 Jul 2014 Posted on 14/07/2014 geepster Fly Fishing News Ireland’s Lough Corrib has produced a giant of a Ferox trout to Welsh angler Ceri Jones – this 23lb 12oz beast. I’ve bookmarked your site for future reading. Arctic Char are important contributors to the Ferox diet, particularly in Scottish lochs. Copyright 2016 - 2019 by Giltspur Associates Limited   -  Designed by Anthony Greene of TopTackle reports: Noel caught a cracking 8lb 03z Ferox Trout in Roscommon while trolling for Pike with an 8 inch Bass Harasser. The term ‘Ferox’ describes a type of Trout – not necessarily a species but more an example of the genetic diversity that exists within the wild Brown Trout population. Methods of trout fishing include dry fly fishing and wet fly fishing. JavaScript is disabled. In lochs where no charr or whitefish are present other species including brown trout … Ferox, like other Brown Trout, feed chiefly on invertebrates in their early years. Here you'll find inspiration for your love of the fly fishing life. Chris said: “In 40 years of fishing on the Trent it was the strangest catch I’ve had. It has its pitfalls though and lots of fishers blank using this method because of the blinkered way they … I have a good friend who thinks this way and he is tough to match when fishing for browns Thrive Themes I hope this article helps you zero in on fishing with Rapalas. March 2017 Photograph : Brian Lawrence. They are found mainly in Scotland and Ireland - often present in large, deep glacier-formed lakes containing Arctic Char or whitefish species. The method is to troll dead trout or large lures behind your boat at a couple of miles per hour. We fished hard that trip, learning from the experienced mentor whilst contributing significantly to his bar takings! A British Record Wild Brown Trout First Ferox for Jim Lafferty - 10lb, 4oz. Over the years that followed, we were sent fishing to all corners of the Glen, often to places he didn’t tell his other guests about. This, combined with their protein-rich diet, produces much larger sizes than the average wild Brown Trout angler will ever encounter. It’s greatly appreciated. Gallery A collection of photographs from my fishing trips, travel and love of fly fishing. Ferox trout are large lake trout known to be genetically separate from the normal brown trout stock. With an enormous sporting potential for

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