It’s called suet, and the best stuff for rendering is going to be solid and firm. Fat is heated in water between 130 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit. I boiled marrow bones, with some meat and fat still attached, for three hours. They even separated out the kidney fat for me. I expect it will whiten in the frig later. I was left with approximately 25% hard tallow and approximately 70% meat. The beef tallow sounds similar to collecting/storing bacon grease (I know it is not exactly the same). So how DO you guys store your tallow? 6. I made my first batch two months ago with no trouble at all. As a cooking fat, tallow is amazing. I make a lot of mineral-rich bone broth and the by-product is a lot of beef fat. I’m using Cutco Knives too, they are sharp and should be more careful. To render beef tallow, you need to get your hands on some raw beef fat. Great article, I’ll def. That's all there is to the dry rendering. What wonderful tips on this subject. The fat remained pure and clear. You can just pour it in a jar when still hot and close the jar immediately. There are two principal methods of rendering: In the wet rendering process (old method) the animal I render my own lard and tallow all the time. What does it taste like? Here, I could choose to dry-render over the stove in a high quality pot, or do a wet-render and get the potentially purest tallow by boiling and then separating fat from water. Both worked just fine. It’s called suet, and the best stuff for rendering is going to be solid and firm. Growing up there was always a tub of beef fat in the kitchen for cooking and frying. bioaccumulate). A way to speed up the process of dry rendering is to add a little (keyword little) water to the pot. Its about 10lbs of fat in a bag. I’ve head it’s delicious, but I’ve never tried it. Villagers used to make tallow because it lasted through the cold snowy winters of the mountains. I rendered 1.5 lbs this past weekend. To an uneducated or ignorant person (ie one that does not have all the data) or to a person “educated” with the wrong information (mainstream ie Saturated fats are unhealthy) then you are right. Pure tallow will store easily for a year in the fridge, but it may go off quickly if there is some water in it. Process for Edible Products Edible rendering processes are basically meat processing operations and produce lard or edible tallow for use in food products. Tallow can also be used in the place of shortening or vegetable oil as a healthier alternative in cooking or frying. I don’t know whether my batch was suet or not (I suspect there was at least a bit, judging from the thick, hard pieces that felt like cold butter when you sliced into them), and it did look a little ragged and hastily thrown together, but it was still fat. It took forever to render, but now that there’s enough fat bathing the trimmings it renders much faster now. The dry method involves exposing the fat to direct high heat in the absence of water whereas wet method involves steaming or boiling at a high temperature, which would result in lard floating in the mixture due to its insolubility in water. There are both “wet” and “dry” rendering processes. Hey! I used a fine mesh strainer and it was completely sufficient. I ask “any chance of getting some of the offal and suet or tallow?” He says the butcher set aside just the kidneys and the suet just for you. However, I do have friends that make soap with tallow, so I’m sure you’d want it clean and using this same process if you do need to use it for something delicate like that. I’ll repost the results. In the wet rendering process (old method) the animal tissue is placed in an enclosed pressure vessel (cooker) and superheated steam is injected to provide both heat and agitation. This worked so simply, I can’t believe it! The two main raw material rendering processes are wet and dry rendering. I strained through a fine sieve first, then re-strained through a clean flour sack cloth. I am much more comfortable leaving that for long periods of time than a stove or oven. We then consume these into our systems. You may only eat tallow and fatty beef occasionally. Most suet comes from the tissue surrounding the kidneys and the loins, but any hard beef fat will do. When dry rendering, you can keep the browned cracklings and use them as a snack later on if you want. We render 20 pounds of beef tallow a week. Batch and continuous versions are possible. Mine is very solid after being in the refridgerator…and it for sure has an odor to it…like..well kinda like I was cooking a vat full of fat I guess ... dry and wet. The rest is being cut and packaged. So this time, I opted for cubes so I can test both ways. Draws many different specied in as well! It is solid at room temperature. Tallow made by rendering calf suet Tallow is a rendered form of beef or mutton fat, primarily made up of triglycerides. This provided about three quarts of soup stock/broth; and, after sitting in the frig for a few days, about a half cup of nice white fat. I just need more! Should you try it? I’m working through the first bag right now in my dutch oven on the stove top, wet method. Maybe I’ll turn the heat up to medium for a bit to speed things up. It should be inexpensive. From the research I’ve done, there seems to be two methods: wet rendering (where you add some water to the pot), and dry rendering (no water.) There are no short cuts to the best. Thanks, great share. Here, I could choose to dry-render over the stove in a high quality pot, or do a wet-render and get the potentially purest tallow by boiling and then separating fat from water. As I have bits from both, thought of mixing it. from grass fed beef. I’d read about several different ways to render fat, but I chose two that seemed to make the most sense. Ed. I know tallow is used in candles and soap, as well as cooking. So this stuff is totally natural for me and this primal thing is kinda reinventing the wheel. Tags: tallow, rendering tallow, tallow candles, leaf fat, Kristi Cook, Tender Hearts Homestead, So you’ve decided to try your hand at creating old-fashioned tallow candles. If I recall correctly, a toxin is defined by our ability to solely process it via our liver. ... One note-if rendering tallow, I took my butcher’s advice and took my crockpot outside on the deck. Here, I could choose to dry-render over the stove in a high quality pot, or do a wet-render and get the potentially purest tallow by boiling and then separating fat from water. Proper beef suet is rendered from the fat surrounding the kidneys. Haven’t eaten fried food in years. your article about How to Render Beef Tallow | Mark's Daily AppleBest Regards Cindy. thanks. Having noticed that even packaged Organic beef broth has stuff in it, such as gluten, I was motivated to make my own beef stock. It is most commonly applied today in the rendering of edible fats and oils and in the production of items such as partially defatted chopped beef or … I’ve just rendered my first batch of grass fed beef fat and am concerned that I may have over-rendered it. They charged me $5.00 total, really just for the trouble of getting the trimmngs from the butcher they use. I’d read tons of contradictory information about particle size, with some recipes calling for larger, 1-inch cubes and others claiming finely diced or shredded fat got the best yield. Fat floats to the top and is drawn off and removed, and polished in disk centrifuges to produce tallow… Similar to collecting bacon grease after cooking bacon, is that how people get chicken fat, or even some beef fat; after cooking the meet and the fat liquifies and seeps out leaving a liquid mess at the bottom of the pan? You say? To render beef tallow, you need to get your hands on some raw beef fat. : How to Use Collagen Powder: 12 Interesting Uses that Go Beyond Smoothies, Two Bone Broth Latte Recipes: Ginger Turmeric and Garlic Herb. Dry rendering is simply leaving fat pieces to cook on low in a stockpot or crockpot until the fat has liquified (leaving cracklings for later), but the fat can burn and leave a bad taste in the tallow. If using a slow cooker, turn the temperature on to “low”. Unlike suet, tallow can be stored for extended periods without the need for refrigeration to prevent decomposition, provided it is kept in an airtight container to prevent oxidation. One batch, I ground up the fat, and one I just dumped the 1-2″ chunks of fat directly in the slow cooker. We have a very large area we feed birds in and they love it. The first batch I got from a Carniceria near my house that happily gave me the fat for free since they usually just throw it out. Beef tallow … I know plenty of Lowline Black Angus grass steers that have graded USDA choice at 20-24 months. I later read that this is basically the “wet rendering” process. It came out very consistent and clean. There are two ways to render fat – “wet” or “dry”. I have asked for fat at whole foods and farmers markets; both say they use it all (there is not much from young grassfed beef) for sauce, sausages, etc. I just used them to make beef tallow for the first time, and it went perfectly. -they can get lard (and sell it), but so few people are interested in tallow that nobody really produces it locally and it is very hard to get. Or maybe you’ve decided to make the switch from conventional shortening and vegetable oils to the more healthful and time honored practice of cooking with tallow. It is not soluble in water but could be soluble in an organic solvent. From holding the animal during slaughter and cutting meat to making lard and sausages. If it has fat on it, there is no reason why it should not have plenty of fat in it too. a. You can absolutely do it in a slow cooker!! Any of you experienced suet renderers have any suggestions? Can’t beat free I guess. I’ve gotta hurry and get through all 11 bags because they’ve got another steer ready to go in next week! When I’m not eating it, I use it as hand lotion. The problem I experienced is that, due to the prior blending, it was impossible for me to decant the very last amounts of lard due to it being mixed with skin/meat tiny residues, so I lost some of it. We get the Butcher to mince all our suet and put it into 2 kg (4lb ish) bags so we can freeze it and make up tallow when we want. It is made mostly with lamb fats. The Beef tallow is extracted through wet or dry rendering process. Beef is always better when you know where it comes from. I just finished rendering 5 pounds as well. Covered them with boiling water in a huge pressure cooker (we have a food business, so that was easy). Keep the cover of the pot close by, and if fire starts, immediately cover the pot! I trim and render the fat off the steaks we buy at Costco. How to Wet Render: All right, So now let's talk about wet rendering went. The second time I went to them I got a different butcher and he charged me 50 cents a pound :/ but I had them put it through the grinder for me to make my job easier. I'm attempting to render our beef tallow ... so it's (mostly) odorless and cleaned of any impurities. I haven’t read this post in a while but rendered 4 lbs this weekend in the crock pot. or so of tallow. Also got some tips from the comments. Wet rendering. If you microwave solidified bacon fat on low just long enough to melt it, any bits of “cracklins” will drop to the bottom of the jar in a thin layer of sediment. When you are in the meat rendering industry, you have your own specific needs and requirements when it comes to the processing of meat, bones and offal. That’s soup weather. Since becoming primal, I thought…why let all that fat go to waste? just saying..=). Once upon a time McDonald’s fries were done in tallow, or mostly so. Because I was just making soap, I wasn’t picky. Still haven’t figured out what to do with it; but, this site will certainly give me some ideas. Accidentally made tallow (sort of) one time and used it for a week. The total time it will take really depends on the amount of fat being rendered, the temperature and the size of the fat chunks. It has a high smoking point so it is good for high heat cooking. Once it hardens, I break it apart to remove the layer of broth at the bottom. Will they not have a meat taste once baked? How to Render Beef Tallow | Mark's Daily Apple I was recommended this blog by my cousin. as for straining, I just ran it though paper towels in a METAL stainer. I found grass-fed pastured beef suet at a farmer’s market yesterday for $3 a pound. They’re really just tiny little chicken nuggets.) I just wanted to give you a quick heads up! Sounds like you hit upon some of the key components for suet anyway (freeze it a bit and shred it in a food processor rather than cutting it into cubes as you might with pork fat). I just got some FREE (grass fed) beef fat from the butcher at my co-op. Ask your butcher (of the wonderful folks at Whole foods) for ‘K&L’ fat: kidney and lumbar. Didn’t know it was even called tallow. After chilling, the bone broth was gelatinous and the fat easily came off the top. I’d say the freezing/grinding step is unnecessary. . Not all animals, even for the purpose of food, are injected with growth hormones. Rendering tallow is NOT difficult, however, it can take a little bit of time. ... Tallow and lard rendered from local ethically raised pastured animals provides a frugal and sustainable alternative to expensive imported coconut oil. Rendering is essentially a process to separate water, fat, and protein components. So these air done. I almost never hear of people cooking with beef tallow, even in Primal circles. This would sound incredibly unhealthy. I wanted to warn everyone to be careful not to overheat the fat. This does leave the finished tallow with a meaty aroma, but I … Chop the suet into small pieces either by hand or by pulsing in a food processor. I’d read about several different ways to render fat, but I chose two that seemed to make the most sense. The material may be processed by wet or dry means; in wet processing, boiling water or steam is added to the material to separate out the fat, while in dry processing, fat is released by dehydrating the raw material. What I did was buy steak and roast trimmings from a butcher. I find that rendering tallow in a pressure cooker saves preparation time and cooking time without any oxidation of the fat. I’ve heard thus canned like way it’s lasted others 3 years or so. I presume it’s a heck of lot less than hydrogenated vegetable oils, but nevertheless….. Does anyone know where to get pure rendered lard or tallow without antibiotics, hormones, or other added chemicals in Alameda, CA? Yummy! As the water evaporates, the temperature of the material (crax) rises to a point where discharge screening separates the crax material from free flowing liquid tallow. I guess I “wet-rendered”. Then ask them to sell you the suet. I have it on medium/low heat now because low heat wasn’t getting things working fast enough. I’m thinking maybe I got some fat that wasnt’ so great. And boy, am I glad I did!! Also, I mash my bits with a potato masher from time to time. Dry rendering vs. wet rendering method. Lowline Black Angus are just like Angus cattle used to be 50-100 years ago, before grain feeding became so popular, so they are the ideal grass cattle. What is Beef Tallow? I was just trying to order some beef fat and the butcher said you only want to use the beef around the kidneys is this true? I render my tallow by cutting up the fat, place in a crock pot and let it cook for 24 hours. Ask a Health Coach: Who’s Nutrition Advice Should I Follow? from this, there are many side affect with the human population….obesity, cancers, etc. The reason why it doesn’t have more marbling, with ample exterior fat, is most likely due to genetics. I use the water method with a crock pot. Dry rendering vs. wet rendering method. So I read this article a few days ago and couldn’t help but think “Man I gots to get me some tallow.” This morning I get a call from my cousin who tells me the local grass fed organic cow was ready to be picked up from the butcher this morning. So I used it until it was gone. I offered to pay for it, but they couldn’t figure out a way to charge me for it, so I got it for free. Strain through cheese cloth or coffee filter. How to Render Tallow, and Why You Should | Survival Sullivan The list of uses is long. Thank you. But, I thought the rendered tallow would be scoopable or cutable at room temp. Of course there are more details to the instructions but that’s all the big steps involved. What host are you the use of? I haven’t tried her method yet but do have the extra fat from the butcher in a saucepan cracklin’ away as I type. I’ve been buying a lot of meat from them and have become their best customer. Get your suet (or fat) cut up into chunks. Tallow is classified as edible, use in soap, candles, or as animal feed depending on its purity level. Got any tips for my next batch of tallow? As you'll see in the next section. Just transitioned to paleo a couple weeks ago, and I’m about to embark on the Whole30. When I look at your blog site in Firefox, it looks fine but when opening in Internet Explorer, it has some overlapping. With the dry rendering method, the fat gets hotter, and it can start to burn a little. Got about 5 cups out of it. I have to be careful to remove all water before storing as I have had a batch grow mould because I left some water in the container (good lesson). From my experience, both methods work equally well. Ask butcher to grind beef fat. The remaining fat will be clear. Can someone explain the logic behind this ignorance. Not much though. Wet rendering is a process where tallow is separated from the solids while the material is still wet. In this case, I would be sure to use leaf fat. Stay tuned! First, this method really does work much more quickly than the others but because of the higher heat, as mentioned in the article, it is crucial to get all the lean meat off the fat; it will burn and get you some unpleasant smelling tallow. )Perfect.I just put a layer of the fat on the rack, turn it on and the grease drips down into the drip pan.It has a timer on it so no forgeting it.I am getting a lot from it so far.i use it for making soap. So would somebody please post the definitive rendering method. While it is nice and white and clear and I did a great job on the straining, I am wondering if kept it on the stove to long or not long enough. Then I simmer the tallow in the soup pan for 30 minutes or so to claify it even more. It’s called suet, and the best stuff for rendering is going to be solid and firm. My Cutco knife (and those are SHARP) could barely cut through it. With the dry rendering method, the fat gets hotter, and it can start to burn a little. I was initially worried that I was going too fast too soon, but that wasn’t the case. even MORE super-delicious than when I cook them in peanut oil! I just put like 3kg of cubed tallow into a slowcooker with a little bit of water. More specific terms such as beef tallow, mutton tallow, poultry tallow or lard (for pig fat) are used to denote the species of origin. ), then strain it through paper toweling into pint sized jars; I then use new dome lids with rings so that it in essence “cans” the lard preserving it. My wife and kids think it’s ok. About 30–35% of an animal’s mass can be rendered, and of this, 24% is tallow. I figure since my 5lbs beef fat came from Whole Foods it probably does not have any “toxins” in it. Tallow is a product from rendered animal by-products. Thanks For certain traditional pies, Mince Pies, Pork pies, which require a specific pastry, or for Christmas Pudding, etc ONLY beef kidney suet will do. I tried plain and a few different seasonings and all were good. You’ll end up straining later. During the process, gravity separates the impurities from the fat, which settle down into the water. In this raw material rendering process, the material is usually cut up into small pieces before being cooked through a reactor so that heat transfer gets to the centre of each particle as quickly as possible. Not sure whether you have seen Jennifer McLagan’s book “Fat” ( that won this year’s James Beard Award for Cookbook of the Year, but not only does she have some great recipes for a variety of animal fats, but she talks about how to render fats like lard and suet, and goes into the differences between wet and dry rendering, why you might want to do one or the other, and how to do it. try it. Best flavor to ease of rendering ratio for beef and very very easy to get working. Fat from other parts of the animal produce what we call lard or dripping which (nice as they are), is not the same thing at all and do not produce the same texture or taste, I hear about lard, duck fat, ghee, butter, olive oil, and avocado oil, but rarely tallow. Tiffany. As long as you keep an eye on it and keep the fat from sticking to the bottom, your fat will render much faster this way. They love it and you may find some interesting feathered visitors appearing. Basically, rendering is a procedure by which lipid material is separated from meat tissue and water under the influence of heat and pressure. Plants that operate in conjunction with animal slaughterhouses Would that be low enough for heat or would it be too low? Yet, a question: Has anyone tried to render a mix of suets, both from a gresfed cow and a lamb (for example). Dry renderer: A dry renderer is made up of horizontal stem jacket with raw material or charge load of 8-10 quintals. Hey, those are all great, delicious fats, and they deserve their prestige, but I like sticking up for the little guy. Rendering can refer to any processing of animal products into more useful materials, or, more narrowly, to the rendering of whole animal fatty tissue into purified fats like lard or tallow. The rendering process drives off water at high temperatures to separate the fat (or tallow) from the protein. I worked in an environmental contaminants lab for several years. The fat rose to the top- a good 4 lb. Chop the suet into small pieces either by hand or by pulsing in a food processor. Worked Perfectly…not fast but I also didn’t have to watch it. Leaf lard comes from the interior fat around the kidneys and loins, whereas fat­back, as the name implies, comes from the fat under the skin on the back of the pig. Each one has a different nutritional profile. I guess it’s just a waste product so they just wanted to give it all to me! French fries! Thank you for the wonderful instructions. I use a crockpot to render my beef fat and it works out great–on the low setting that is. Not Alameda, but the Fatted Calf butcher shop in San Francisco’s Hayes Valley area has wonderful lard. I asked them what they do with the fat and trimmings and they said they don’t do anything with it. What’s up it’s me, I am also visiting this website on a regular basis, this web site is really good and the visitors are truly sharing pleasant thoughts. Most of the serious toxins that you read about are lipophilic (or, hydrophobic) and hence will tend to partition into animals’ fat in the wild (i.e. Here, I could choose to dry-render over the stove in a high quality pot, or do a wet-render and get the potentially purest tallow by boiling and then separating fat from water. The proverbial two birds with one stone. I grew up on a Black Angus farm and I never saw growth hormones. Almost white as snow. I have to have a cow leasse to get it but as a bonus I can get raw milk as well. As with tallow, there are two types of lard: leaf lard and fatback lard. The substance or edible beef tallow is white or yellowish. I do 40 pounds of suet when i make tallow and that last for a long time. The smell can be quite strong. I would only recommend it if you know you are too impatient to let the fat melt very slowly, especially at first. •Maintenance costs can be high. Another reason to try tallow: those of you experimenting with the carnivore diet will want to mix up your cooking fats here and there. And while some of the fat looked like I thought it would and cut like codl butter, most of it was VERY difficult to cut. Is it good for the keto diet? One point to note, however, is that Coconut oil has high levels of lauric acid, which is also has been known to have healing properties. Wikipedia says it’s stable at room temperature: but how do you seal it? Haarslev designs, develops and supplies both processes and … Can I am getting your associate hyperlink on your host? Dry rendering vs. wet rendering method. Especially french fries! Or are there any potential issues with using certain types of fat? I used the fat to brown the meat for beef tips and Mexican shredded beef. I’m using it to make soap . I always get all their bones because they don’t know what to do with them. This process also works with every other animal I’ve tried (pork, duck, goose, chicken, mutton). Today I’m rendering tallow using the wet method. I didn’t realize I could use it to deep fry- this is going to make our Popplers (… because we’re sort of morbid. If you’ve been a part of the Primal, keto, or clean-eating community for a while, you’re... We usually think of lattés as sweet, frothy, maybe caffeinated, and something you sip in the mornin... Research of the Week rendered pre-shredded buffalo kidney fat, Adding water slightly complicates the process as the water will need to be removed at the end. I set it to several hours and that’s it. Tiny bits of red are fine. I could tell the weather would be changing by the way the tallow looked/changed in the jar! Otherwise, we mostly use the fat rendered from cooking bacon. Use it in place of butter or coconut oil for a variety of dishes. The downsides of dry rendering: I understand it is pretty easy to actually “burn” your fat. It has been about an hour and 5 minutes and the fat chunks aren’t browned yet.

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