To be sure, not everyone is called to do the same kind of teaching. Teaching and the Teacher Our Teaching section provides a guideline for teachers. There are four steps to mastering the Bible so well that the Bible masters you: 1. The most effective way to teach the Bible Mist and Fog Obscure the Light. This class is on how to study and teach the Bible. In this first session of the course, we will look at some background information about this fascinating book. Copyright © 2021 Networld Media Group, LLC. The book of James, Titus, 1 Peter, or 1 John are all good choices for first-timers. 27. The best Bible teachers and preachers I know make me want to engage with the Bible like they do. 10. Effective biblical teaching is text driven”. “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. You and I can do this. That was not the only time she let me know I was getting a little too big for my theological britches. Teaching is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. ", The Message puts it this way: "Break open your words, let the light shine out, let ordinary people see the meaning.". The course will cover a wide assortment of topics ranging from basic Biblical information, e.g. When you have laid that foundation, the devotional approach to the Bible will help us guide students to apply their biblical knowledge to life. Thirty years later, I am grateful for how she burst my bubble. You can change everything for the better for now and forever. You teach people who are experiencing remarkable life transitions and stories. The teacher should know the Bible. What verses have you committed to memory? Ordinary Joes and Jolenes can break open God's words of truth and life and let the light shine out to help other ordinary people see the meaning. 1. Mary Fairchild is a full-time Christian minister, writer, and editor of two Christian anthologies, including "Stories of Cavalry. Syllabus for Effective Bible Teaching (FMT 503) Front Range Bible Institute Professor Tim Dane I. Witness of the Holy Spirit: One other way to be able to teach the lessons of the Bible more effectively is for you to depend on the Holy Spirit. Learning about God’s Word is part of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. At the beginning of every series, my normal is to say, “If you are not reading anything else these days, join me in reading the book of James as we study this together.”. (NLT). 2:2, 4). I want them to know and experience you instead. Psalm 119:130 in the New Living Translation says, "The teaching of your word gives light, so even the simple can understand. Simple truths simply spoken simply change things for the better. 3. Now the real adventure begins. He is a lead …. But if you’re excited and engaging, your students will “catch” this. Sometimes you'll detect a general message in the book. Plan to spend 3-4 weeks studying the book you have chosen. I cannot change their lives. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Encourage your people to read. Psalm 119:130 tells us, "The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple." Uniform lessons cover large portions of the Bible, but the issues of age-appropriate lessons for children and the thoroughness of covering books of the Bible, in my mind, limit its effectiveness. The teaching position should never be abused to push personal agenda’s, or as a platform for rabbit trails. Read through it (and the book in which it is … This is the first in a multi-part series on how to study the Bible in order to teach the Bible. Meditate on the Bible. Hebrews 4:12 begins with, "For the word of God is living and active..." (NIV) Are you starting to get excited about Bible study?

One of the noblest pursuits a child of … Emphasize its principles not his own opinions or the traditions of men. Memorize the Bible 4. Do this more than once. As you read, look for themes that may be woven into the chapters. Biblical teaching is centered on God’s word. Remember KISS: Keep It Simple Sweetie. Know the verse well; memorize it yourself, print the letters in large clear letters, or print on a posterboard if you're instructing a whole … Bible study is not the same thing as Bible reading.If Bible reading is like raking for leaves, Bible study is like digging for diamonds. Focus on Jesus’ answer… Somewhere I read that G. Campbell Morgan, the great British pastor and expositor, would read through a book of the Bible at least 40 times before teaching it. Second, make sure you can make it understandable and applicable to a junior high boy who has never been to church. All Christians should be studying the ible. 1. A Bible study guide or perhaps a study Bible will also help you dig deeper. Read as Single Page Page 1 of 4 Look also for "life application principles." You start to see a deeper meaning: "God's Word causes life to come about; it quickens.". Notice the differences. How can you communicate the truth that has spoken to your life in a manner that will speak to another? Don't just study God's Word for the sake of studying. The first draft of How to Study Your Bible was four pages long, printed on a … One chapter at a time. 2. As you read the Bible text, you need to look carefully at what is said, and how it is said. The hunger these women had to know God’s Word and apply it in a deeply personal way to their everyday lives touched me. Simple Truth Clearly Communicated Changes Lives. Studying to teach a Bible class means reading, investigating and praying for understanding. B. Amen. However, you'll need to implement them differently, based on whether you're leading a first grade classroom, teaching a neighbor a new skill, homeschooling your children, or teaching a business seminar. You may want to spend much more time digging into the Old Testament and some of the longer books of the Bible. Step 1 of Bible Study: Observation Observation is the first and most important step in how to study the Bible. Hi, Pastor Dan Cu here greeting you a blessed day which God has made for you and for your loved ones. It will help students develop a sound methodology in the preparation of their materials. (NIV) So, as you pray, realize that the words you are studying are inspired by God. Studying to teach, when done right, takes as much concentration as playing tennis. Once you've finished the first book, choose another one and follow the same steps. It is the Greek word 'Zaõ' meaning, "not only living but causing to live, vivifying, quickening." 2. Learning How to Teach Scripture More Effectively 1 – Introduction to Interpretation. If you've never done this before, start with a small book, preferably from the New Testament. This will help them remember the Bible and its meaning in their life better. This method is just one to consider. People may be impressed with the proud pontifications of a professor, but what they long for most is simple truth plainly spoken that can be personally applied to the mutual delight of the individual and the Lord. ", The Importance of Repetition in the Bible, Christian Meditation From a Biblical Viewpoint, 10 Practical Ways to Prepare for a LDS Mission, General Biblical Studies, Interdenominational Christian Training Center. Application I will keep my attempts at biblical instruction simple. … Simple Truth Clearly Communicated Changes Lives. In this course, you will learn how to teach your Bible … Read the Bible 2. You don’t have to know everything there is to know about Scripture when you teach a Bible class, but you do have to know the text you are teaching. Course Description This course will teach students how to become better teachers of the Bible by doing the following: A. Exalt it as the authoritative word of God. May the joy of the Lord and the blessings of the Almighty God be upon … The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." How To Study The Bible More Effectively- 10 Easy Steps. Take notes on the ideas that jump out at you. In reference to the Bible, he will: 1. There are many ways to study the Bible. People may be impressed with the proud pontifications of … Excellent Bible teachers regularly sharpen the axe of their own teaching. An Easy Step-by-Step Method of Studying the Bible 01. Many of us have taught the Bible for years in a classroom setting – but not over a video conference call. It is about "giving light, so even the simple can understand." How to Teach the Bible So Others Understand Whether you’re teaching about God’s love or sovereignty, these four steps will prepare you to teach. First, I encourage you to start, even on a modified and very small level. One night I was demonstrating my own depth and breadth of knowledge and insight at the small country church where I was a first-time full-time pastor. Eventually, he did dip himself seven times in the Jordan and came out "restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean," (2 Kings 5:14 ESV). 26. There are some principles of effective teaching that can be applied in virtually any educational situation. I was asked to teach a Bible study with 250 women every week in Atlanta, Georgia. Learning How to Teach Scripture More Effectively 2 – Reading the Bible with Understanding. There is much to be unlocked in the text from a cursory understanding of these things. Using a Bible dictionary, look up the meaning of the word living in the original language. Any less and he felt unprepared. Blind since birth—the miracle is not remedial, it is creative ( John 1:3) 2. the number of books in the Bible, to the use of advanced study aides such as Concordances and Bible Commentaries. There are at least a couple of steps to this process. . Explain the theology behind the disciples’ question (see commentaries) 3. As you continue to do this type of verse by verse study, there's no limit to the wealth of understanding and growth that will come from your time spent in God's Word. Teach a Bible verse at the end of any activity. With this method, you will study an entire book of the Bible. Prayer Our Father, empower me to simply communicate your words of truth and life. Most Christians will As you use the various methods of Bible study and teaching to communicate biblical content, you will lay a foundation in the life of your students. This should probably go without saying, but I would recommend reading the text upwards of 10 times. Learning How to Teach Scripture More Effectively 4 – Biblical Literary Genres Jesus said the Holy Spirit is on the earth to teach us. Andy Stanley said on the Building a Storybrand podcast that we should simplify our communication. The Christian life calls for both. 5 Simple Steps for Studying the Bible Effectively,Jim George, Th.M. ... With this method, you will study an entire book of the Bible. I distinctly recall some wonderful speakers from my student days. The Map Maker: Discover Joyful, Spirit-filled Ministry by Making Disciples and Transforming the Marketplace, 4 components that must precede leadership training. Most people need continual encouragement to read their Bibles. I am a firm believer that Christians should study the Bible regularly. His emphasis in class is on the Bible not on opinion, secular teachings, etc. Before you start each study session, begin by praying and asking God to open your spiritual understanding. Learning How to Teach Scripture More Effectively 3 – Biblical & Systematic Theology. Enjoy the study of the Bible with family and friends or on an individual basis. Because God's Word is alive, you can study the same passage several times and continue to discover new, relevant applications throughout your walk of faith. is teaching, then teach” (Romans 12:6–7). Stanley gives us this simple lesson from this episode: To understand why, submit and apply. Hold it before the class. He wanted to know why he had to dip himself in the muddy Jordan River when the rivers of his homeland were better? Ralph Mayhew has been leading people for more than 20 years. Daily Bible reading is a great way to stay in touch with God, but it is not necessarily study. In this step, we'll see what the text looks like under a microscope, as we begin breaking it down. Foster, Ph.D., as a psychologist and Director of, provides spiritual direction, counseling, …, Rev. Text Presentation. If you need help getting started, this particular method is great for beginners but can be geared toward any level of study. When you approach the Bible like it’s a text book, and your teaching time like it’s a college lecture, don’t be surprised if you lose teenagers’ attention. What ever the message of the passage is, the message of the lesson is. An example of a life application principle in the book of James is: "Make sure your faith is more than just a statement -- it should result in action.". To smell, see, and taste what is happening in the text. What is your favorite Bible verse? It's a good practice to try and pull out these themes and applications on your own as you meditate, even before you begin using other study tools. Theological seminaries often host highly-regarded scholars. Video Presentation. Be sure to put the Word into practice in your life. All rights reserved. You are to have a growing understanding of what God says through the information you are teaching. The best Bible study leaders do this. They humbled me with the depth and breadth of their knowledge and insight. First, make sure you understand the text, the context, the meaning, and its range of applications. How to Effectively Teach the Bible as You Zoom I have created a comprehensive online course for Bible study leaders who are now using Zoom! Would you ask God to give you an opportunity to share that with someone today? Even if you read the same place! If you come out to teach based on what you have been able to practice from the word of God, you would an effective teacher of the scripture. A dear lady who loved enough to tell me the truth said, "I don't think you know what you're talking about.". Simple words of instruction in opportune moments can change lives and shape destinies, no sermon or advanced degree required. They read those with whom they agree and also those with whom they disagree. ... God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For more information, see and Start Teaching right Session #1 10 Questions Why questions? Learn Teaching the Bible effectively and have fun while you are learning! Now you will slow down and read the book verse by verse, breaking down the text, looking for deeper understanding. Communicating words of truth and life is not about impressing people or baffling them. But we should all be teachers of the Bible. 4. The Bible should always determine the content of the message. Probably one of the most common reasons Christians don't study the Bible is based on this complaint, "I just don't understand it!" Next, you'll spend some time, perhaps several days, reading through the entire book. David Bowman (DMin, PCC) is a Younique Founding Master Trainer and an Auxano Lead Navigator. (NIV). The real issue here is two-fold: How effectively do you want to teach the Bible to every age level and how much of the Bible do you want to cover? Try teaching inductively rather than deductively. Read the Word with the author. Make them memorable and portable. Since teaching is a key element in acquiring information and developing knowledge, it is not surprising that the Bible has much to say about teaching. How to Teach Home Bible Study Course Effectively. When we study the Bible, we are on a quest for meaning — and not just any meaning, but God’s meaning through the Bible’s human authors. It is a book of amazing diversity: read the Bible and you will find a mixture of enchanting history, beautiful poetry, remarkable prophecy, great wisdom, simple proverbs and difficult teaching.No one can understand modern society without understanding the history and message of the Bible. As you become more comfortable studying God's Word, you will begin to develop your own techniques and discover favorite resources that will make your study very personal and meaningful. What a powerful statement! This gives an opportunity for God's Word to speak to you personally. If you've never done this... 02. This should take about half an hour. If God speaks to you personally or through life application principles you find in the text, be sure to apply those nuggets to your day-to-day life. You have the unique opportunity to allow God to speak to you as you study and as you help others study and apply the truth. He initially rebelled against Elisha's instructions. A growing teacher KNOWS WHO you are teaching. They continuously learn how to research, study, write, teach, along with every other skill that might improve their communication. Use small words and use them over and over. The best professors do this. And reading in such a way as to enter it. Start by reading the Bible five minutes a day. For this portion of your study, you will want to consider choosing the right tools to aid in your learning, such as a  commentary, lexicon or Bible dictionary. The Learn to Read the Bible Effectively online course is Free and will give you a basic understanding of what the Bible teaches. Every time you read the Bible, the Holy Spirit will teach you something new. Make me a man who breaks open your word to let the light shine out so that ordinary people can see the meaning. Excellent teachers commit to a lifetime of learning. I do not want anyone to be impressed with me. The best pastors do this. - Study from the Bible and be encouraged to grow your faith! dio station. Pray for guidance. V. A Good Teacher Works There are also many useful online Bible study resources available if you have access to a computer for your study time. If your gift . Get a helpful book like Gordon Fee’s How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth to understand how a psalm is different than a Gospel and how an epistle is different from apocalyptic literature. How to Study the Bible is designed to give a student the information and tools required to begin effectively studying the Word of God. Study the Bible 3. One of his favorite examples is from a message he did about Naaman who had leprosy and went to the Prophet Elisha for healing. ... Before you start each study session, begin by praying and asking God to open your spiritual... 03. Jesus said in Luke 11:28, "But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice." What Bible truths do you savor? 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